Rev. John A. Little Called Home to Glory
Rev. John A. Little, retired pastor of the First Presbyterian Church (ARP) of Tucker, Georgia, died Tuesday, Sept.15, 2009. The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Sept. 18, 2009, at Bill Head Funeral Home, Lilburn/Tucker Chapel. Interment will be in Georgia Memorial Park. The family will receive friends Thursday from 2 – 6... Continue Reading
Q & A with Episcopal Bishop
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, will be visiting Diocese of Central Pennsylvania in early September 2009. In advance of her visit, she responded to questions from the York (PA) Daily Record, in which she made her first public response to recent criticisms made by the Archbishop of Canterbury,... Continue Reading
Study: 3 Percent of Women Victims of Clergy Sexual Advances
(RNS) More than 3 percent of adult women who attend religious services at least once a month have been victims of clergy sexual misconduct, according to researchers at BaylorUniversity. Put another way: in a congregation of 400 people, seven adult women have been targets of sexual advances by clergy, the study says. In addition, in... Continue Reading
Presbytery News: PCA Great Lakes
The Great Lakes Presbytery of the PCA announces the following moves: TE Kreg Bryan from Hudson, OH to Kansas City, MO TE Brian Allred from Demotte, IN to Yorktown, IN RE Ron Jakubowski, Hudson, Ohio to be Stated Clerk of the new Ohio Presbytery TE Kreg Bryan has resigned as Pastor of the Grace Church... Continue Reading
Presbytery News: PCA Houston Metro
Recent Ministerial changes in Houston Metro Presbytery, PCA include Bill Combs, Robert Cook, Dennis Hermerding, Kyle Bobos, and Nat Davidson. TE Bill Combs has retired after serving 23 years as the pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Webster, Texas. Combs, a 1970 graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (back in the day when it was only... Continue Reading
PCA Minister Called to Pastor Church in Nicosia, Cyprus
The Reverend Terry Burns, who had served the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, Virginia for nearly 5 years as an assistant pastor, has accepted a call to serve as the pastor of the NicosiaCommunityChurch on the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus. Terry will replace a Church of Scotland minister who had served this English speaking... Continue Reading
Not Even Cancer Diagnosis Can Shake Harwell’s Spirit
Legendary Tigers broadcaster reflects on career, looks to future with resolve. His voice was clear, his spirit strong, his words tinged with humor. But legendary broadcaster Ernie Harwell had bracing news to deliver Thursday: He has a tumor in the area of the bile duct. It is incurable. Yet Harwell said he feels calm and... Continue Reading
Calvin College Professors Call for Discussion about Memo Warning Against Homosexual Advocacy
CalvinCollege professors say they want a campus discussion about academic freedom after being told it is “unacceptable” for them to advocate for homosexual issues and same-sex marriage. College employees received a memo last week saying the Board of Trustees has revisited issues surrounding the college’s position on homosexuality, concluding it is “unacceptable” for faculty and... Continue Reading
Bob Clarke to be Director of PCA Ministerial Relief
Rev. Bob Clarke has accepted the position as Director of Ministerial Relief for PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc. While serving on our Board of Directors, Bob exhibited a love for our Relief ministry and he brings to the position a wonderful set of spiritual gifts, ministry experience, maturity, and business skills. I know this change... Continue Reading
Evangelical Left Pushes for Obamacare
WASHINGTON, /Christian Newswire/ — Religious Left activist Jim Wallis is leading a new “40 Days for Health Reform” campaign for President Obama’s proposed government dominated overhaul of U.S. health care. Wallis unveiled the campaign during an August 10 media conference call. Next week, President Obama will join Wallis and others on a national call in... Continue Reading