Christ’s Spotless Bride — Apostolicity As an Attribute of the Church (Part Nine)
When we speak of the apostolic church, we are referring to that doctrine passed down to us from Jesus and the apostles.
How do we know the apostolic word in the present? The apostles and those in the apostolic circle wrote the New Testament for us as stated 2 Peter 3:16, “as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand,... Continue Reading
The Full Authority of Scripture
Bending the Scriptures by our lives to fit this culture.
A case in point is William Lane Craig’s, In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration in which he affirms inerrancy. Craig judges the encounter in the Garden as palpably false if taken literally. Why? Because science says it does not make sense. Craig admits that he is trying to square Genesis... Continue Reading
O Sweet Exchange!
Contemporary encouragement from ancient wisdom.
Folly abounds in our day, but the gospel of God remains the same. What’s more, the Christ of the gospel remains the same as well. He has been saving sinners throughout the ages and will continue to do so, building His church, until all that the Father has given Him are safely deposited within His... Continue Reading
Saint Nicholas and the Origins of Santa Claus
Interestingly enough, Saint Nicholas and his legend began in the early church.
At his post Bishop Nicholas diligently served. Over the course of his entire life he was known for being extremely generous. He was especially generous to children, regularly giving them gifts. Myra was a busy port city with ships and sailors coming and going. The ships went out of Myra’s port loaded with gifts and... Continue Reading
The Gathering Storm
Book Review: Mohler winsomely breaks down threats to religious liberty, LGBTQ propaganda, and so much more.
Mohler goes on to say in one part of the book that, essentially, secular culture is bankrupt and has no validity—it’s sinking ground. Mohler: The secular age writes checks it cannot cash. It claims to uphold human rights even as it undercuts any argument for human dignity and natural rights. It invents new rights (like... Continue Reading
The Old Testament Can Not be Canceled
How relevant is the Old Testament?
God makes it clear that we are not to omit or twist His words, whether they are found in either the Old Testament or the New Testament. Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you,... Continue Reading
Great Men of Meekness
It was by meekness that Christ accomplished the greatest of all deeds: the redemption of sinful men.
It was by meekness that Christ conquered sin and death, and it is by meekness that He rides forth to conquer men and nations today. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said rightly, “Meekness is compatible with great strength. Meekness is compatible with great authority and power… the martyrs were meek, but they were never weak; strong men, yet... Continue Reading
Have You Passed the Test?
On the need for spiritual check-ups.
On this issue of examining ourselves, we certainly do need to keep tabs on our life, but we also must guard against being overly introspective. It is not our own lives that we mainly need to keep our eyes on, but on Christ. Trent Casto goes on to offer these helpful remarks: While there is... Continue Reading
Mend the Wall
Certain areas (not an exhaustive list) that need mending: unchecked anger, sexual lust, and gluttony.
We remember that Jesus Christ and his finished work is the foundation of which our walls are built. Let us tear down the walls of self-sufficiency and self-indulgence. To the wind with the idiom, “boys will be boys.” We are called to be men and true manhood must be cultivated and fought for, to the... Continue Reading
A Simple Generosity
It isn’t the sign itself that is great with glory, but rather what it calls to mind.
Here again is a proof of God’s generosity. He didn’t establish an ornate and complicated ceremony to be the means of renewing His covenant with His people. Rather, simply bread and wine that’s blessed, broken, and passed to God’s people is all that He commanded. There might seem to be a bit of an... Continue Reading
Recapturing Awe of the Birth of Christ
Don’t Let Familiarity Steal Your Awe
Pray that God would awaken your soul and give you fresh eyes to see new insights into his Word. We are human. We bore easily. Only God can make his Word new every morning. Only God can give us the desire to plumb the depths of his revelation to us. Several years ago, we visited... Continue Reading
Why Your Life Isn’t Working
Joy, life, substance, purpose — do these not interest you?
We do not just need better pleasures; we need abundant pardon. Justice, not just your heart, needs satisfaction. The gospel addresses not merely your discontent in happiness apart from God, but your disobedience in seeking happiness apart from God. The Lord Jesus does not just extend forever ecstasies; he stays final executions. We are creatures... Continue Reading
The Pastor’s Family and Christmas Traditions
Our whole family gets to be part of what God’s doing in and through our church.
When December rolls around, and we want to build family memories, we sometimes have fewer time windows leading up to Christmas for non-church activities. While we still want to make time for things that are just “us,” we must prioritize them. At the same time, instead of feeling frustrated that we can’t do more on... Continue Reading
Jesus’ Desire Is for You
WLC 55 Part 3
He appears in our nature before God the Father because His desire is your salvation. What a joy that His will is for us! He ever lives to intercede for He desires all who believe in Him to be with Him (John 17:24). Saints, if your conscience is burdened this day. If your assurance is... Continue Reading
Making A Case for an Actually Merry Christmas
We are biblically entitled to actually enjoy ourselves at Christmas.
We worship a saviour who has given us a world to enjoy and who is leading us to a material New Creation full of things to enjoy there too. We worship a saviour who instructs his disciples not to judge one another over these things, but to enjoy his good gifts to his glory. Let’s... Continue Reading
Jesus Was Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary — The Apostles’ Creed, Article of Faith 3
Jesus Christ, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, is truly God and truly man.
A Christian believes that Jesus is one person with two natures: one truly human nature; one truly divine nature. He is the human who could die on the cross in our stead; he is the infinite God with us, who could bear the sin of us all. Believing this truth brings true peace and freedom. My wife loves... Continue Reading
The Call of the Christian Soldier
The life of a Christian should not resemble the life of a private citizen. It ought to reflect the call and discipline of a soldier who is willing to sacrifice their life to please their captain.
There is no doubt that the enemy believes he is undermining the mission of the Christian soldier. But like the U.S. troops, we must not lose heart because we are certain that no matter the raging schemes of the devil, no matter the seductive pull of the world, or temptations of the flesh, Christ has... Continue Reading
Strength Tethered to Virtue
What is manhood? What is masculinity?
A man who uses his strength to protect the weak, run toward the sound of gunfire, or go into a burning building to rescue someone is using his God-given strength in a way that blesses his neighbor. A man who crouches in the bushes to victimize a woman and overpower her is using his strength... Continue Reading
Understanding the Old Testament
We cannot make it without a Messiah. We needed a Savior.
The Old Testament days showed us God’s gracious intent, our continual sin and need for a Messiah, and how weak we are without Christ, and faithfully promised of the One who would come. Those days are over. We can know Christ now and have Him residing in us by His Spirit as we are rejoined... Continue Reading
Let the Feminist Mock: Find Your Worth in Christ
Precious in God’s Sight: Chosen and Loved
Rest in the knowledge that you are infinitely valuable to God. Let His love define your worth, not the constantly changing standards of the world. When you see yourself as God does – precious, chosen, and loved – you can live confidently and joyfully in that identity. This comes from abiding in Christ and is lived... Continue Reading
Deadly Silence: France’s Abortion Censorship
The Council of State is banning anything that offers women a different perspective on the unborn.
If the French government has their way, it will soon be impossible to tell the truth about what actually happens during an abortion—the physical destruction of a unique, living, whole human being developing in the womb. That description isn’t ideological. Every embryology textbook at every major medical institution informs the reader that human life begins... Continue Reading
The Glory We Desire vs. the Glory He Means for Us
Partakers of Divine Glory
If we can begin to imagine ourselves enjoying his praise because it’s from him, from his mouth, not mainly because it’s centered on us, then we will begin to ready ourselves for heaven. This is the inheritance of children. Do away with all notions of complexity and the tortuous need to nail it all to the... Continue Reading
Art that Accords with Sound Doctrine
Embodying God’s Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
What we express through an artistic medium is not just ideas abstractly stated; rather, an artistic expression is a person’s interpretation of ideas in concrete forms. Therefore, we must recognize that all cultural expression, whether produced by citizens of God’s common kingdom or citizens of God’s redemptive kingdom, embodies implied interpretations of God’s revelation. And so, we... Continue Reading
Jordan Peterson’s Gospel
Peterson’s The Gospel series offers no gospel.
The road to secularism is paved by false interpretations of the Bible. Secularism says society doesn’t need God. Jordan Peterson similarly insinuates that individuals do not need to repent and believe in Christ. They seem to suggest that cultural Christianity is sufficient. But as the 20th century in the West shows, cultural Christianity without repentance... Continue Reading
A Religion AND a Relationship
Challenging a Well-Meaning Claim
Does Christianity teach about God’s new relationship with sinners through faith in Christ? Yes. But is Christianity still a religion? Of course. In fact, it is true religion. It is the true worship of and obedience to the Living God. And it involves the understanding that Christ has redeemed a people from the nations for his glory.... Continue Reading
The Theology of Christmas: The Incarnation
Christ did not cease to be God but added humanity to His deity, becoming truly God and truly man.
The incarnation is the foundation of the Christian faith. In Jesus, the eternal Word became flesh, dwelt among us, revealed God’s glory, and brought grace and truth to a lost world. As we celebrate Christmas, let us marvel at the humility and majesty of Christ, who entered His creation to redeem it. And let us... Continue Reading
What Is the Earliest Complete List of the Canon of the New Testament?
Around 250 A.D., Origen likely produced a complete list of all 27 New Testament books–more than a hundred years before Athanasius.
In the end, we actually have very good historical reasons to accept Origen’s list as genuine. And if it is, then we have evidence that (a) Christians were making lists much earlier than we supposed (and thus cared about which books were “in” and which were “out”); and (b) that the boundaries of the New... Continue Reading
5 Things We Know About Christ’s Second Coming
The objective of Jesus’s second coming is salvation.
If Jesus’s words are more permanent than the ground below or the sky above (“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away,” Mark 13:31), and if Jesus has a proven track record on a massive prediction in world history—the destruction of the temple (“This generation,” that of his apostles, “will not... Continue Reading
Not So Silent Night Above Bethlehem
The original Advent included assembling the heavenly host for war, but one that would be fought in spiritual fields, not earthly ones.
In the Garden, Jesus acknowledged that He had a spiritual army ready to report for active duty: “Or do you think that My Father can at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matt 26:53). Satan had his soldiers and Jesus had His soldiers. The legions of angels ready to do... Continue Reading
The Finish Comes Fast
Counsel for Running the Race
Our finish lines often come suddenly, with little or no warning. There may be no home stretch — only Home, as quick as a wink. And so, given the here-today-gone-tomorrow reality of our vapor-like lives, the best way to finish life well is to finish each day well. We need to run with the heart... Continue Reading