The Frank Schaeffer mystery
What drives Frank Schaeffer to strike out not only against his dad but against every father figure in the Christian conservative movement? What if telling the truth, at least the truth as you see it, means dishonoring your father and mother? It has been sad to see the fine writer Frank Schaeffer—I called him once... Continue Reading
Is Romney Going to Make Peace With Evangelicals in Liberty Commencement Speech?
One person in particular who has an interest in the issue from both sides is public relations guru Mark DeMoss. His Atlanta, Ga.-based firm handles the accounts of the Rev. Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse, the late Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship and Liberty University. GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is scheduled to make what some hope... Continue Reading
I’ve Got a Religion, Not a Relationship
Religion does not ask you what worship you find meaningful and satisfying. It imposes a ritual, a liturgy on you and says, “Worship in this way.” Religion does not ask you what beliefs mean most to you or warm your heart. It gives you a body, a system, of doctrine and says, “Believe it.” I’ve... Continue Reading
Ecclesiastical Architecture (2)
The pulpit was large, not only so that it was visible from all parts of the sanctuary, but also so there was space to hold the preacher’s notes, a hymn book and a copy of the Scriptures which the congregation could see. The other reason that pulpits were large was to make the minister look... Continue Reading
It’s Time For Christians to “Take Back the Rainbow”
But I think that too many Christians may have adopted the wrong kind of rainbow. They’re yellow with fear, green with envy, blue with depression and red from embarrassment. So, why are believers so off-color these days? Maybe they’re tired of fighting the good fight. Maybe they haven’t seen as much progress as they’d like.... Continue Reading
A Call and Agenda for Pastor-Theologians
American Protestants have only had such schools (resident seminaries) for a couple hundred years. They are relatively new. And, in the main, the theological life of our churches has declined during the years they’ve been around. I suggest we move toward a seminary model in which thoughtful, seasoned pastors play a greater role on campus... Continue Reading
Back to the Basics of Reformed Worship: Reformed Chameleons?
Isn’t it true that in many cases the reading and preaching of Scripture, the careful administration of the sacraments and substantial seasons of prayer have been crowded out by lengthy announcements, personal testimonies, and extended segments of music and praise? I love historic Reformed worship. It is assiduously biblical in form and substance, intentionally Trinitarian... Continue Reading
Name Calling is ‘rhetorical pornography’
And, perhaps most distressingly, ethnic slurs against noncitizens in our country, people who, in many cases, are families just like our own, seeking the best quality of life they can achieve. How do those hurtful words address the deeper and quite nuanced issues of legality and border integrity? (CNN Editor’s note: Jim Daly is president... Continue Reading
Is There An Office of Pastors’ Wives?
What role should a pastor’s wife or elder’s wife play in the church? What are her responsibilities? How can she serve as a helpmate to her husband in the ministry? THERE IS NO “PASTOR’S WIFE” OFFICE The first thing to say on this topic is that the Bible does not establish an office for “elder/pastor... Continue Reading
Why Facebook Makes Us Sad
Why do we feel this way? Why does Facebook make us sad? Rest assured that the underlying problem is not unique to our generation but one that people, including Christians, have wrestled with since the fall. To put it bluntly, our problem is envy. A number of recent articles have remarked how the social network... Continue Reading