John Stott on Singleness – “Uncle John” explains why he stayed single for 90 years.
John Stott is being remembered as an evangelical statesman, a pastor/scholar, and an inveterate birdwatcher. He was also a lifelong bachelor. While researching my book on a theology of singleness, I had the opportunity to meet Stott and interview him about his views and experience as a single. He later revised and expanded his candid... Continue Reading
This Isn’t Meddling — It’s Murder
In the name of personal preference and for social reasons, some women now demand that their multiple babies be aborted so that they will have only the one baby they want. Euphemisms are the refuge of moral cowardice, and no euphemism is so cowardly or so deadly as “reduction” — a word that sounds like... Continue Reading
Downgrade Nation – Are U.S. economic doldrums tied to a spiritual downturn?
Moyo believes that our loss of economic muscle will forfeit U.S. military might and political supremacy—downgrades already hinted at. The cover of her 2011 book, How the West Was Lost, depicts a $100 bill with Chairman Mao on its face instead of Ben Franklin. Remember when America owned the future? Now we are a pessimistic... Continue Reading
Thousands Left Behind – Be thankful, son, that you go to an American school—maybe
…an emphasis on test-taking among older students has crowded out the study of history, science, literature, and anything that requires creativity. Weinberger said his students link education not to learning how to think but learning how to pass standardized tests. Pastor John Piper and others have told the story of 19th-century evangelist D.L. Moody visiting... Continue Reading
“What if the operating system of the Christian life was ‘be the first to love?’
The entirety of the Christian life is to apply God’s Word within the context of loving God and loving others. The greatest commandment is not social justice. It’s not even to “share the gospel.” One of the profound distinctions between Islam and Christianity is that Christianity is centered on the chief command to love. But... Continue Reading
Generational Conflict in Ministry
Even well-intentioned criticism hurts enough that we are sometimes seduced into a defensive posture because we have forgotten that the wounds inflicted by a friend are faithful and helpful, but wisdom also listens carefully and respectfully even to disrespectful speech in order to learn lessons not otherwise picked up. About five years after the Berlin... Continue Reading
Teaching the Trinity to Kids
In teaching kids something like the Trinity, it is important to give them the right ideas, or at least the right basic vocabulary, from the word go So has Colin Buchanan’s mixing of a talk of mine on the Trinity made me a celeb, as Derek and Gabe now claim? Maybe. But surely only in... Continue Reading
A Question of Balance? Some Final Comments on Sanctification and the Role of the Law
This means that we proclaim the imperatives of transformation as well as the gratuity of justification. Furthermore, we must do this without separating them, for both are found in Christ. Law without grace and mercy is just as unbalanced as grace and mercy without law. Again I want to express my thanks to my good... Continue Reading
Aquila Report Publisher has a pain in the neck – that’s ‘has one’, not ‘is one’ :)
At first I thought the best way to get the word out about my medical diagnosis to everyone was through a lengthy email. But then I thought, why not make this an article for The Aqulia Report!! About 6 weeks ago the orthopedic doctor treating my shoulder problems told me that the tingling, numbness and... Continue Reading
Thirteen Things I Won’t Do This Election Season
6. Write five blog posts a week about how the Republican Party has co-opted the evangelical culture to the point that the two are indistinguishable….(not that this has ever happened before). I’ve been living in denial for the past few weeks, avoiding cable TV and political news sites in a futile attempt to delay my... Continue Reading