The Church Drinking Problem – Intinction, Wine, and Communion – by William H. Smith
Here’s another question: Does anyone think that either our Lord or the Apostle had in mind anything like receiving the wine, or more likely the juice, via one of those little individual plastic cups?
Chicken jokes for theologians – by Kevin Jackson and many of his friends
Michael Horton: The chicken was forsaking the kingdom of this world to live solely in the Kingdom of Christ. John Frame: The chicken had an existential need to change its situation according to a new norm. The answer to this question is obviously related to your theological-philosophical-ontological positions. Why Did the Chicken Cross the... Continue Reading
A Modest Proposal: Emphasizing Church Depth – by Larry Brown
My modest proposal is this: instead of emphasizing church growth, emphasize church depth. I feel that it is better to have a small core of dedicated disciples than a nation full of nominal, half-hearted, semi-Christians. That was the curse of the Roman emperor Constantine: he ended the persecution and made Christianity the thing to do.
The Seduction of Pornography and the Integrity of Christian Marriage, Part One by Albert Mohler
Today’s teenager, if not stranded on some desert island, is likely to know more about sex and its complexities than his father knew when he got married. Furthermore, what most generations have known only in the imagination–if at all–is now there for the viewing on websites, both commercial and free. The Internet has brought an interstate highway of pornography into every community, with exit ramps at every terminal or personal computer.
Ecclesiastical Hypochondria: An Argument Style that has Grown Very Old
Maybe one cure for the EH that can infect an assembly or a local church or a session is to retire some of those fantasies of creating a perfect structure or a church that is immune from all possible exposures. Sin will recur, and as long as we live in this world, we will need to adapt to our illnesses. That’s normal.
‘Just Listen’—The Lausanne Movement and Global Theological Education – by Mike Milton
He went on to say that the Church in that Middle Eastern nation is growing. But the congregations there, the underground Church, require that their pastors be grounded in God’s Word and in a very robust theological and Biblical program of three year study before they are ordained (in secret) and begin to serve (bi-vocationally) as the pastor of a congregation
The Regulative Principle of Worship
Thus, the regulative principle as such may not be invoked to determine whether contemporary or traditional songs are employed, whether three verses or three chapters of Scripture are read, whether one long prayer or several short prayers are made, or whether a single cup or individual cups with real wine or grape juice are utilized at the Lord’s Supper. To all of these issues, the principle “all things should be done decently and in order
Ecclesiastical Architecture (6) – by Rebecca VanDoodewaard
“God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Our sanctuaries should reflect this, even as we look forward to the day when we will not need windows or light fixtures: “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb” (Rev. 21:23).
PCA’S Standing Judicial Commission has spoken; No officer or teacher may hold to Theistic Evolution – by Don K. Clements
“Holding the view of beginnings expressed in ‘theistic evolution’ is contrary to the fundamentals of our system of doctrine taught in the Word of God and our standards. Such a view destroys the basis of such doctrines as the doctrines of sin, of marriage, of salvation, of covenants, and others. Therefore such a view cannot be allowed as an exception. Anyone holding such a view must be disqualified from teaching and/or ordination in the church.” --Decision of New River Presbytery upheld by the SJC.
John Newton On Neglecting The Assembly of the Saints – by Shane Lems
Newton’s pastoral heart comes out in this letter. He is straightforward, blunt, and biblical. At the same time, it is very evident that he simply wants his parishioners to hear the sermons for their own Christian good and growth in godliness. Newton certainly wasn’t a legalist looking to make people proud of their church attendance.