Christian Movie Theme Song’s Oscar Nod Befuddles Hollywood Elite
Well-known Christian author, speaker, and quadriplegic Joni Eareckson-Tada performs the song, which combines the characteristics of an old spiritual and a modern hymn.
Mainstream media outlets erupted in confusion and indignation Thursday over a surprise Oscar nomination for Best Song. “Alone Yet Not Alone,” the theme song for an independent Christian film of the same name, edged out a long list of songs by mainstream artists and will face off against the likes of U2 and Pharrell Williams, as well... Continue Reading
7 Tips on Teaching and Preaching the Old Testament
Remember that Old Testament Believers were Believers
Avoid the extremes of either making all your Old Testament sermons about following (or avoiding) the examples of the Old Testament characters, or of making all your Old Testament sermons theological flyovers that land finally in Christ but never impact the spiritual lives and ethics of your hearers. Old Testament sermons should have both emphases,... Continue Reading
Two Kinds of Idolatry
Who do we think we are to be creating our own gods or trying to re-fashion God according to our own terms?
The first form of idolatry is deadly because it leads us to worship as God those things which are not gods – to give them our devotion and trust. The second form is deadly because if leads us to worship God as though He were not God, not the God of the Bible, perfect and... Continue Reading
Patriarchy vs. Single Women in the Bible
A response to an article regarding the reasons as to why a young Christian girl was not in college, but instead was staying under her father till marriage
The Bible doesn’t say your calling as a young woman is to be a “worker at home.” In fact, Paul says, “The unmarried woman cares for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she who is married cares for the things of the world, how... Continue Reading
God of the Womb
The Lord, in his perfect wisdom and unfailing love, has closed my womb, and he alone can open it.
When my son, Parker, was stillborn, God in his mercy helped me glimpse the all-out spiritual war that would ensue in the next season of grieving the loss of my son while waiting to have more children. I didn’t know exactly what it would look like, but I knew it was going to be real... Continue Reading
Seeing You Again for the First Time
This Sunday, returning to my pew, fresh from two days as a visitor, I had new eyes for my own church.
I don’t know what these women think when they reflect on their church. Maybe they are sometimes overwhelmed by the challenges within the body. But I hope that they also can see themselves with my visiting eyes: a beautiful group of women, selected by a loving God who “arranged the members in the body, each one... Continue Reading
Girl Scouts Name Wendy Davis As One Of Their “Incredible Women Of The Year”
The Girl Scouts’ ties to the institutional left and the abortion industry have become increasingly apparent
The Girl Scouts have been allied with Planned Parenthood for years now, but more recently, they have gotten into the business of supporting promiscuous behavior in girls. The “Healthy, Happy, and Hot” sex brochure offered at the U.N. workshop provided this advice to young girls: As Tony Lee of Breitbart News reported Saturday, the Girl Scouts recently... Continue Reading
3 Common Traits of Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church
What is it that sets apart the kids who stay in the church?
This is not a formula! Kids from wonderful gospel-centered homes leave the church; people from messed-up family backgrounds find eternal life in Jesus and have beautiful marriages and families. But it’s also not a crapshoot. In general, children who are led in their faith during their growing-up years by parents who love Jesus vibrantly, serve... Continue Reading
Porn and Future Marriage
The dangers of porn affect a man in marriage, even before marriage begins.
What I did not anticipate was how it would affect my future marriage. I committed many sins in this area, but I assumed that marriage would fix that desire and erase those memories. Satan had fed me the lie of what sex should be, and I bought it. Sex was going to be what I had... Continue Reading
Marriage Matters, and Redefining It Has Social Costs
What is marriage, why does marriage matter for public policy, and what are the consequences of redefining marriage? Adapted from testimony delivered on Monday, January 13, 2014 to the Indiana House Judiciary Committee.
“Throuple” is a three-person couple. New York Magazine reports about it. Here’s the question: if I were to sue and say that I demand marriage equality for my throuple, what principle would deny marriage equality to the throuple once you say that the male-female aspect of marriage is irrational and arbitrary? The way that we got to monogamy... Continue Reading