I listen to this guy preach once or twice a month, depending on the roster. He heads up the team of leaders caring for us, doing the same work beside them. He makes the call on which ministries our church continues or puts on hold. He’s been in my life for years in various roles, from pastor to employer to missionary supporter. He’s sort of a big background deal.
Who’s had the most influence on your Christian development?
When I consider this question, I think of the people I was around as a young adult: the slightly older housemate who prompted me to be open to international work for the gospel (result: three years in Mongolia), the student ministry leaders who invited me to their church (result: leaving the charismatic movement). Or my family: parents who were new believers when I was born (result: always knowing Jesus),1 my quiet but thoughtful husband (result: showing God’s care as a meat-avoiding pacifist). Or Christian authors: John Piper (result: seeing that God is marvellous), Christopher Ash (result: coming to appreciate that singleness is valuable), Adrian Plass (result: realizing that God loves us even though we mess up).2
I don’t tend to think of my minister.
Which is sort of weird, when you think about it. I listen to this guy preach once or twice a month, depending on the roster. He heads up the team of leaders caring for us, doing the same work beside them. He makes the call on which ministries our church continues or puts on hold. He’s been in my life for years in various roles, from pastor to employer to missionary supporter. He’s sort of a big background deal.
I was introduced to ‘Pastor Appreciation Day’ while overseas. Let me tell you, it goes against the grain of Australian culture. I think most church leaders here would cringe if you recounted their virtues in front of their congregation—we are not a people who take compliments well, especially when they are formatted as a PowerPoint presentation. But it really did get me considering the impact that my past and present church leaders have on my life.
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