As the church has sought to gain and keep political power, it has often compromised by giving into the lie that we must always choose the lesser of two evils. The church has been forced into situations of moral compromise by a worldly political power Jesus never called it to have. From the very beginning, the church had to decide how much it would compromise in order to gain and keep the favor of the emperor. They had to decide how far they would bend God’s word to win political favor.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana
“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill
As we head closer to the presidential election in November, I have become increasingly concerned about what this election cycle is revealing about the state of the church. I’d like to share some insights from church history that could be very helpful for us as we prayerfully consider our calling in this time and place. Specifically, I think we all need to think more carefully about how the nature of political power is corrosive to the mission and witness of the church and how worldly moral compromise leads to regret and a loss of our prophetic voice in the world.