How the “Worship Wars” Often Miss the Real Issue – by Michael Horton
The most important divide is over this question: Do we come to church primarily to receive or primarily to do something? In other words, is God not only the object but the primary actor in the service, or are we?
Ecclesiastical Architecture (5)
Music is another element of worship that effects the architecture of a sanctuary. The congregation’s beliefs about this aspect of praise is one of the most clear and immediate identifying marks of denominational affiliation and theology in the building.
Worship Renewal Grants
Could your church, presbytery use $5,000-$15,000 for a worship project? Read on. Each year the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship disburses about $500,000 in worship renewal grants. My church was awarded one this year (described later). This is the tenth year of the program and grants were awarded to 43 projects in 2009. The CICW... Continue Reading
Book of Common Worship: Revised and Expanded
A new Book of Common Worship (and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Ordinances and Rites of the Church Together with The Confession of Faith, Shorter Catechism and Psalter), has been compiled and edited by Rev. Patrick W. Curles, assistant pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, Ala. The basis of this book is the... Continue Reading
The God We Worship
The God we worship is the God who is; the God who has revealed himself to us in Creation, in Scripture, and supremely in Christ. One of the first things the church had to face after the age of the Apostles was, “Who is God in light of all that Christ has made known to... Continue Reading