Justice, Mercy & Truth: 50 Days of Prayer for the PCA
Each year Christian Education and Publications (CEP) and Mission to North America (MNA) call the Presbyterian Church in America to 50 Days of Prayer for our General Assembly. This year, Mike Ross, pastor of ChristCovenantChurch in Matthews, North Carolina, will explore the great themes and lessons found in the prophets and so relevant to ministry... Continue Reading
Women and the Office of Deacon in the PCA
A significant discussion is taking place in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) on women and the office of deacon. The present wording of the PCA’s Book of Church Order (BCO) does not allow for the ordination of women as deacons. However, there are some within the PCA who believe that the Scriptures do allow... Continue Reading
Christian Education and Publications Unveils Upgraded Online Bookstore
In September 2008, the PCA’s Christian Education and Publications launched its redesigned online bookstore. The online CEP Bookstore now has many enhanced features that will allow customers to quickly and easily choose the right book for their needs. Faster searches, staff book reviews, suggested related items, wish lists, and gift e-cards are only a few... Continue Reading
Covenant College Physics Lab Receives National Science Foundation Grant
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a grant of $178,935 to CovenantCollege for the construction of a laboratory dedicated to researching thin film growth and characterization under the direction of Dr. Phill Broussard, associate professor of physics. As he explains it, Broussard and his students “will be growing metallic films 100-1000 atoms thick... Continue Reading
Four Ministers to be Nominated for PCA GA Moderator
Four ministers will be nominated as moderator of the 36th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. The PCA GA will meet in Dallas, Texas June 10-13, 2008. The election for moderator will take place on Tuesday, June 10, immediately following the opening worship service. The PCA has the practice of electing teaching... Continue Reading