The Real Cure for the Moral Ills of Our Culture
Note that the wrath of God is being revealed. It is not just that there will be judgment on the last day, but that there is already a foretaste of that. How is that expressed? Is it in the form of earthquakes, disasters, or blasphemers being hit by lightning? No! The wrath... Continue Reading
Cultural Challenges to Marriage
Many people are upset, and rightly so, about the decision of the California Supreme Court to grant the legal right of marriage to homosexual couples. Now the Governor of New York has announced that his state will recognize such marriages that take place in the two states that allow them – California and Vermont.... Continue Reading
The Road from Eden, A Review
The Road from Eden: Studies in Christianity and Culture, by John Barber (pastor of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.) Palo Alto, CA: Academica Press, 2008. Reviewed by Joseph R. Nally, Theological Editor of Reformed Perspective Magazine. Christ is in culture. If one was to walk into the headquarters of the Central... Continue Reading