Richard Land’s future with Southern Baptists may hinge on report – by Bob Smietana
Land has never been afraid to speak his mind. In 1998, he championed the Baptist boycott of Disney over gay-themed events at amusement parks. “Do they expect Mickey to leave Minnie and move in with Donald?” Land told the 1998 Southern Baptist Convention, according to the Orlando Sentinel. “That’s Goofy!”
Death’s Progress
“Progressive” is a better name, more accurately describing the movement and its extremely broad, precariously unpredictable direction. Progressivism is all-the-rage nowadays, with liberals having jettisoned the “liberal” label for the less maligned tag of “progressive.” This is tactical as much as philosophical. It’s fascinating that Hillary Clinton, for instance, recently proclaimed herself a “progressive.” I... Continue Reading
Personhood Colorado Announces Successful Signature Campaign
Personhood Colorado submitted signatures to the Secretary of State’s office on February 12 for the Colorado Personhood Amendment. The signatures submitted totaled 79,817, although only 76,047 were required. All signatures are pending validation by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office. “We are thrilled with these results. These signatures represent thousands of hours of hard work,”... Continue Reading
Super Bowl Ad Exposes NOW’s Anti-Christian Bigotry
“It is amazing to watch the venom and hatred that is being directed at Tim and Pam Tebow and Focus on the Family by the National Organization of Women (NOW) for a Super Bowl ad that they have not seen,” said Dr. Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. “This backlash exposes the irrational hatred... Continue Reading
TIME Article Called “Tactical strike” to Divide Pro-Life Catholics
A Nov. 5 TIME article pits Archbishop Raymond Burke against Boston Cardinal O’Malley over the issue of Church sanctions against pro-abortion Catholics. The article is said by US Catholic political analyst Deal Hudson to be “a tactical strike” on behalf of liberal Catholics “to divide bishops and to divide pro-life Catholics.” Hudson indicates it is... Continue Reading
Obama, Notre Dame, and the Character Thing
In May 1995, his first year as Pennsylvania governor, Tom Ridge was invited by Gannon University, a Catholic college in Erie, Pa., to give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree. But the distinguished Republican and native son had a problem: he was a pro-choice Catholic. Erie Bishop Donald Trautman expressed his “concerns.” Governor... Continue Reading
When Biden and Rudman Wept
Is he pro-life or pro-choice? That was the giant unknown hanging in the balance one day in 1990 as President George H. W. Bush nominated a mystery man named David Souter for a Supreme Court seat. Both sides of the abortion issue badly wanted answers. I remember those debates, and especially the uncertainty. America got... Continue Reading
Freedom Works: Speaker Pelosi’s Teachable Moment
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently provided a stark illustration of the fundamentally divergent worldviews of big-government liberalism and free-market conservatism. She told ABC’s George Stephanopoulus of the intention of her and House Democrats to include hundreds of millions of dollars for Planned Parenthood and contraceptives in the economic “stimulus bill.” “Well, the... Continue Reading
“Safe, Legal, and Rare?”
The common mantra of pro-choice politicians is that they do not favor abortion. Quite the contrary, they want abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare.” Pro-choicers generally hold to this position; thus, as they are quick to note, they are not “pro-abortion” but “pro-choice.” I’ve personally tried to respect that formulation, and typically refrain from... Continue Reading
Taking Away the Perceived Need for Abortion
Recently, the executive director of the Center for Vision & Values, Dr. Paul Kengor, explained that an Obama administration will likely eliminate the legislative and legal tools that the pro-life community has been trying to use to reduce or eliminate abortion in America (see “Pro-life Death“). Indeed, pro-lifers may find themselves turning to the courts... Continue Reading