The Marxists advocate Pride and don’t believe in loving their neighbors but in destroying their enemies. They insist that without justice, there will be no peace, but they forget that there will be no justice without love. Without love we have nothing but the systemic pride which rules the world with the spirit of “might is right.”
We live in strange times in which we have become obsessed with race to such a degree that skin colour has become the determinant of all moral rectitude. If we were “fortunate” enough to be born with white skin, we are guilty of “privilege” which is systemically racist; if we were “unfortunate” enough to be born with black skin, we are cursed with “underprivilege” which is also systemically racist. Racism is no longer about disliking other people because of the colour of their skin, which was something of which white people and black people could both be guilty; it is now something that is only applicable to white people, and not to some white people but to all white people for no other reason than their skin pigmentation. According to the older definition of racism, which is blaming someone for something that is beyond their control and therefore not their fault (the skin colour inherited genetically at conception), this new understanding of racism is actually racist! This is the crazy Orwellian world of doublethink and newspeak in which we now find ourselves.
In order to expose the nonsense of this latest Marxist spin on historical determinism, let’s take a look at history itself.
The reason that Europeans exploited the people of Africa was because they had the tools with which to do so. They had the weapons, the means of transport, and other technological advantages which empowered them, enabling them to do what they wanted for reasons of personal gain with those who did not possess such technology. If the people of Africa had developed these tools before the Europeans, the people of Africa would no doubt have taken advantage of their empowerment to dominate and domineer the people of Europe. It is, therefore, nothing to do with skin colour and everything to do with the systemic pride which is present in all human beings, irrespective of race. Unless this systemic pride is tempered by a culture which values humility, it will run riot and will ride roughshod over the weakest or most vulnerable members of society. Only a culture informed by pride-despising theology and philosophy can keep the destructive and deadly power of pride under some sort of control, even though its presence can never be eradicated because it is part of the brokenness of who we are as human beings.
If it’s all about self-empowerment and doing our own thing, and not about self-sacrifice and doing what we should, we will always have a system in which the strongest, using the tools of technology, will impose themselves upon those who are weaker than they are. If it’s not about love but about power, we should expect nothing but the unjust rule of the most powerful and the enslavement and subjugation of everyone else.
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