Our great and glorious God, creator of the heavens and the earth: We come before you this morning, for you are the beginner of all good things. All creation sings your praises. From morning light to evening shade, from the expanse of the sky to the breadth of the sea, all that you have made declares that you are God and that there is none like you.
Over the years it has been my practice, learned from others, to offer up praises and petitions framed by a passage of Scripture. Some of these passages were read in preparation for preaching, others offered material for meditation in daily devotion; still others were plundered specifically for the purpose of finding fresh material for prayer. As I continue to learn how to pray I have shared a few prayers with my family and friends for their use or adaptation. The Alliance has asked me to share some with you too:
Genesis 1: The Beginner
Our great and glorious God, creator of the heavens and the earth: We come before you this morning, for you are the beginner of all good things. All creation sings your praises. From morning light to evening shade, from the expanse of the sky to the breadth of the sea, all that you have made declares that you are God and that there is none like you.
You caused the earth to sprout, to yield, to bear sweet fruit of many flavors. You gave the sun to warm us with its golden rays, the moon to illume the evening tide, the stars to keep us wondering and to prevent our wandering. You made the secret creatures of the sea and the soloists of the sky. You alone fashioned cows to feed in the open field, lizards to leap across desert rocks, and great beasts to pad along the forest floor. For all these things we praise you. They are all of your design, your execution, and exist for your pleasure.
And yet as if all of this were not enough for you, you have done even more. You created man in your own image, male and female. You’ve called us to multiply ourselves, commanded us to exercise dominion over this world, and encouraged us to enjoy its food for our need. How easy it is for us at this moment to share in your judgment that this is all good, even very good!
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