Now Is the Hour to Stand Up for Religious Freedom
Allow me to make a very direct statement. I believe it is time for the Church in this country to stand up for religious freedom. Especially over the course of the last few years, we have seen repeated efforts—in the courts, in state legislatures, in Congress, and on Pennsylvania Avenue—to erode what has been called... Continue Reading
A Tale of Two Community Organizers
In 1970 America, two infamous organizations were gearing up for big things. Wade Rathke founded ACORN in Arkansas and soon after moved its headquarters to New Orleans. Jim Jones was building the Peoples Temple and set up operations in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Rathke and Jones were gifted community organizers utilizing Democrat politicians, a... Continue Reading
Reconsidering Calvin and Calvinism
The following editorial is first in a series of five about John Calvin. Please check back for follow-up articles. It is much easier to mock and ridicule John Calvin than it is to read him and seriously consider his insights in the light of Scripture. That is why today there is no shortage of disinformation... Continue Reading
What exactly are atheists so scared about?
As I was leaving church yesterday, a nice chap called Andy called to see if I would go on Radio 2 to talk about a new billboard campaign enjoining us not to “label” our children with religious tags such as “Catholic child” or “Muslim child”. Beside pictures of bonny toddlers (all white, as it happens),... Continue Reading
Abortion Politics and its Discontents
On Saturday, Nov 7, the House of Representatives passed a health-care-reform bill with an amendment sponsored by Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak restricting any of the new government-supported health-care options from covering abortion. Sixty-four Democrats joined Republicans in voting for the amendment. I spoke to Jon Shields, an assistant professor at Claremont McKenna College and the... Continue Reading
The Coming of Caesar
We have a problem. This could be “the big one”—bigger than coping with the Ahmadinejads, Kims, and Chavezes of the world and bigger than our current economic woes. Our republic, our society, may be heading for a crackup. We are bankrupt, both financially and politically. The source of the problem is democracy. Decades of so-called... Continue Reading
Changing Guards or Changing Standards?
I read Dr. Bryan Chapell’s piece on the 2009 Presbyterian Church in America’s (PCA) General Assembly in ByFaith Online with great interest. Dr. Chapell has been very helpful to me since I first attended the General Assembly some years ago, encouraging my involvement and speaking on the floor on a variety of issues. I have... Continue Reading
The Holy Spirit’s illumination of the truth of God’s Word
Scripture teaches that we can only correctly understand the truths of Scripture’s teaching when the Holy Spirit illumines God’s truth and enables us to see it for what it is: glorious and wondrous spiritual truth. To see this, let’s start at the most basic level and acknowledge that people who do not truly know Christ... Continue Reading
Paul’s Letter of Joy & Peace 2
Paul and Timothy, (bond) servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Phil. 1:1-2.) The Theme of This Book In our last article, we began looking at some of... Continue Reading
The Nation of Futurity
When European settlers first came to North America, they saw flocks of geese so big that it took them 30 minutes to all take flight and forests that seemed to stretch to infinity. They came to two conclusions: that God’s plans for humanity could be completed here, and that they could get really rich in... Continue Reading