An Open Letter to Central Carolina Presbytery, PCA: Contra BCO 14 Amendments
Editor’s Note: This letter was sent via email to members of Central Carolina Presbytery by a Teaching Elder (Minister) in that Presbytery. He has given permission to have this letter published. Brothers, There has been much written and said about the proposed BCO 14 amendments. We all agree that our AC is an important servant... Continue Reading
Should women become pastors? The office of leadership and teaching of men is preserved for spiritual and godly men.
The Bible draws a connection between the home and the church. Just as there is a role distinction at home—where the husband is called to lead the family—there is also one at church. At home men are proving their fitness to be elders (pastors), and at church they are the ones who are given that... Continue Reading
Racial Justice and the Godness of God
The gospel that reconciles the sons of slaveholders with the sons of slaves is the same gospel that reconciled the sons of Amalek with the sons of Abraham. It is a gospel that reclaims the dignity of humanity and the lordship of God. It is a gospel that presents us with a brother who puts... Continue Reading
The Glorious Exchange – It’s All About My Mother
My mom reminds me of Jesus. Not because she always acts likes Jesus. In fact, she would be the first to admit that, in her attempts to behave the way Jesus behaved, she fails more often than she succeeds. She reminds me of Jesus because she birthed me. Let me explain. The very process of... Continue Reading
The Christian Worldview as Master Narrative: Redemption Accomplished
The Gospel of Jesus Christ declares salvation and redemption to all who believe in him. The third great movement in the Christian metanarrative begins with the affirmation that God’s purpose from the beginning was to redeem a people through the blood of his Son –- and that he does this in order to show the... Continue Reading
Are Churches Secularizing America? (We’re talking about evangelicals here!!)
So while evangelicals are often quick to launch public protests against “secular humanists” for diminishing the role of God in American society, it would seem that the more likely source of secularization is the church itself. I am not claiming that evangelicalism is “atheistic” or even “deistic” in principle, but that in practice it is... Continue Reading
Chilling Almost Beyond Belief – This means that abortion is taking place in your neighborhood, and in mine
Americans generally know that abortions happen, but the reality of abortion is kept out of sight and, for most, largely out of mind. To acknowledge that abortions do occur does not require any actual knowledge of the numbers of abortions performed and the scale of the catastrophe. News reports that emerged in recent days will... Continue Reading
Another Thought on the Federal Vision and the PCA: Despising a Confessional Birthright (and a response)
Editor’s Note: Following is a blog post written by a PCA Teaching Elder, in fact by one of the 29 signatories to the Jeffrey Meyers Letter of Concern that is currently in the news. His post is followed by one of his respondents on the blog site. The Presbyterian Church in America is a confessional... Continue Reading
Letter to the Editor: The AC Funding Debate – Opportunity to be Rekindled and Refocused
I pray that we may be rekindled through this debate to be once more that creative, faithful, outward-looking body of God’s people who love Him and each other. Dear Editor: In his article advocating the adoption of the proposed funding plan, RE EJ Nusbaum correctly analyzes the immediate problem we confront in the PCA with... Continue Reading
Pastoral reflections on fathering (pastor’s) kids to love and protect them
Do they know that I love them enough to stand up for them? Protect them? Fight off the world for them? Because they are MY children! Not in a manner that is blind to their sin, but in a manner that communicates that if they come to me with a deep pain they know I... Continue Reading