The Supreme Court Is Not Our Benevolent Dictator
The Supreme Court is, or should be, what Chief Justice John Roberts rightly called “an umpire.” As he said to the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearing, “Judges and justices are servants of the law, not the other way around. Judges are like umpires. Umpires don’t make the rules, they apply them.” The clear... Continue Reading
The Dark Side of the Super Bowl – Police watch for sex trafficking
“As a man and as a father of two beautiful girls, I’m not buying it — and neither should you,” Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Jay Ratliff says in one television ad. “If you’re one of these men buying these young girls, I’m telling you that real men don’t buy children. They don’t buy sex.” As... Continue Reading
A Caution for Expository Preaching
Published sermons of any other kind are few and far between, for publishers definitely favour the “expository” on the grounds of their popularity. In our view, however, it is time that the disadvantages of this view of preaching are at least considered In a number of circles today “expository preaching” is in vogue, and it... Continue Reading
Behind The Scenes In Egypt – The ideology of protesters may have little to do with who ends up in power
With Egypt in a state of crisis and the armed forces stepping in to manage that crisis, however, elections are nowhere near assured. What is now in question is what groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and others are considering should they fear that their historic opportunity could be slipping. . . . There is more... Continue Reading
Left State University
Professor Irvine has discovered something I have also discovered about the liberal professoriate; namely, that they see no reason for debate. In their eyes, the debate is over on all the major issues of the day. Of course, in their eyes they won all the major debates. William Irvine is a professor of philosophy at... Continue Reading
The Anxious Parent – Lessons from a Trampoline
The second, I think, suffer the most anxiety, because while they worry about the alternatives, they will not adopt the tiger mother style, which is just too alien, too different from the dominant, affirming style of affluent American parenting. Most of us would feel a little silly, if not false… The trampoline, that upset them.... Continue Reading
Revival: Ways and Means
I’m ready to say that creativity might be one of the marks of revival, because so often some new way of communicating the gospel has been part of the mix that God used to bring a mighty revival. How do seasons of revival come? One set of answers comes from Charles Finney, who turned revivals... Continue Reading
How Do You Care For A Dying Church Member Whose Family Is Not Allowing You To Do So?
This is one of the most painful experiences I have had as a pastor. Fortunately, it has not been common for me. However, this past year I faced this on more than one occasion in a single month. I experienced a flurry of emotions. I realized part of the blessing of a pastor to care... Continue Reading
What Is A Seminary President?
One retired, well-respected seminary president once told me, soon after I was called to be president of RTS Charlotte, “Mike, here are my two words to you about being a seminary president: first, stay humble. Second, you know all of those great, grand visions you have to build this or do that or start this?... Continue Reading
Two Ways To Realize Radical Obedience: My Indirect Response To Jason Hood
Because the Bible has so much to say about it, healthy Christian people have always maintained a deep concern for the pursuit of holiness and the practice of godliness. Obedience to God matters to God and it should, therefore, matter to God’s people. In fact, one way to gauge our love for God is obedience... Continue Reading