Dude, Where’s Your Bride?
This path of prolonged singleness is a two way street. But I think the problem largely resides with men. Or at least as a guy I can identify the problems of men more quickly. I see two issues. First, the Christian men that are “good guys” could use a little–what’s the word I’m looking for–ambition.... Continue Reading
Not Finished Yet – American spirit of social entrepreneurship should provide hope when pessimism knocks
A half-century ago John F. Kennedy said that if some doubt whether the West has the courage to stand up to Communism, “Let them come to Berlin.” Today a sense of entitlement leaves some folks complaining instead of working, and sociologists doubt that Americans still have a pioneering spirit. Let them come to Springfield and... Continue Reading
Justified like Judas; An Analysis of Peter Leithart’s Views on Baptism
As a father and Reformed Christian, I can appreciate Leithart’s desire to tell his three year old child that he is justified by virtue of his baptism. Nevertheless, I do find his view problematic on several fronts. The following is from page 246 of the Peter Leithart trial transcript: Q: Right. So is there a... Continue Reading
Postmodern nonsense, straight out of the news
In other words, a community — or an individual — creates or constructs what is true. Something is true because the community or the individual believes it to be true. There are times when I peruse the daily news and can relate to the main character in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Penned by writer and... Continue Reading
What’s The Difference Between the Gospel Coalition and the PCA?
What makes this definition odd, especially in reference to Presbyterians, is that (Tim) Keller has been involved in the recent debates over subscription within the PCA in ways that have expanded the boundaries. …it would be hard to read Keller’s understanding of the PCA or his presence in those debates as placing him on the... Continue Reading
Punctuating the Bible
Thus, for example, Ephesians 1:3-14 (one extended sentence in Greek) is divided into three sentences by the KJV, and up to fourteen or so sentences by some of the modern simple language translations. But this punctuation is a matter of editorial choice. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic (the Aramaic portions... Continue Reading
John Piper Explains Why Women Shouldn’t Lead Men
John Piper, author of What’s the Difference?: Manhood and Womanhood Defined According to the Bible, explained why men, and not women, should be the leaders in their homes and the church. “The Bible really cares about the dynamic between men and women. It has nothing to do with a woman’s incompetency,” Piper said during a... Continue Reading
It’s a Funeral—Bring the Kids
This month, of course, even my local Kroger has been filled with skeletons and tombstones. But real death—standing in the chapel three feet from a crying widow and the temporal body of her husband—is far more horrible. The plastic bones in aisle 12 trivialize the impact of death Last week, my five-year-old son spent a... Continue Reading
Was Luther Right? – The Impact on the Theology of Paul and the Judiazers (E. P. Sanders, Heikki Räisänen, James Dunn, and the New Perspectives)
Sanders’ book, however, has changed the direction of Pauline studies, for he has convinced many scholars that the traditional picture of Judaism constructed by New Testament scholars does not accord with Palestinian Judaism as it really was. Martin Luther turned the world upside down in the sixteenth century by proclaiming the Pauline gospel. Luther, who... Continue Reading
Debate: Is Social Justice Essential to Church’s Mission?
Al Mohler and Jim Wallis went toe-to-toe in a theological debate Thursday evening, presenting both sides of the question as to whether social justice is an essential part of the mission of the church. Jim Wallis, president and CEO of Sojourners, took the “yes” position, while Dr. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist... Continue Reading