Marriage: Creating a Partnership, Not Reeling in a Catch
Centuries of advancements for women separate Emma and the conduct books from the Groupon boudoir photo offer, yet they all convey the notion that if a woman can project the desired image—angelic in the eighteenth century, erotic in the twenty-first—she will succeed in her quest to catch a man. Last week Groupon offered a ticket... Continue Reading
It’s Okay to Expect a Miracle – Scholar Craig Keener rediscovers the reality of divine intervention.
‘It was Hume who first spoke of miracles as violations of nature. But Christians don’t believe that the Legislator is subject to any of the laws of nature.’—Craig Keener Review Interview of Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts by Craig S. Keener, Baker Academic, 2011, 1238 pp. Craig Keener has the brain of... Continue Reading
Reclaiming the name evangelical
But they co-opted a term that anyone who follows Jesus — whatever their theological label — can legitimately wear. And I, for one, refuse to allow them to tell me that because I do not agree with some of their theology I am not a genuine evangelical. A frequently heard term in political discourse these... Continue Reading
Why You Should Postpone College
To that end, I propose a theoretical pre-college regimen called “grownup training.” Specifically: six months spent working in a factory, six in a restaurant, six on a farm and six in the military or performing another public service such as building houses, teaching algebra or changing bedpans. Very soon, millions of high-schoolers will run a... Continue Reading
T. D. Jakes, the Trinity, and Truth
The issue at hand is not one of mere wording or terminology. Rather, the theological difference between Oneness (God in three successive “manifestations”) and Trinitarianism (God in three “Persons”) is a foundational distinctive. Where a person stands on this key facet to the doctrine of God will determine the rest of their theology. I’ve never... Continue Reading
Religious affiliation and the presidency
[I]n a pluralistic democracy with no established religion, the most important factor to consider for a candidate to the presidency is not his or her religious affiliation but a conformity to natural law…a consistent respect for life, liberty, families, rights to associate and develop communal relations, rights to education and knowledge. The presidents of the... Continue Reading
Fairness doctrine – President Obama’s State of the Union address calls for more government to level the playing field
“When President Obama claims that the state of our union is anything but grave, he must know in his heart that this is not true,” Daniels said. “The president’s grand experiment in trickle-down government has held back rather than sped economic recovery. He seems to sincerely believe we can build a middle class out of... Continue Reading
Need Words? The Case for Corporate Prayer
The genius of corporate prayer is that where you don’t have the words, others have them for you. They lead you in prayer, often in ways you would not even have thought. Sometimes they express things that are on your mind. As you pray along with them in your heart and utter the “amen” of... Continue Reading
Letter To The Editor: Quit Repeating False Accusations Against Girl Scouts
(Editor’s Note: We received this email from one of our readers and wanted to share it – unedited – along with our response for our readers.) I saw that your blog is repeating false accusations against Girl Scouts. The real story here is that the United Nations hosted an event to discuss the status of... Continue Reading
Charitable Communication within the PCA
Sometimes when we hear or read what others say, our tendency is primarily to formulate a rebuttal to their positions rather than to seek better understanding and common ground. Charitable and forthright communication, preferably face to face, is an antidote to such deficiencies. On January 17, a diverse group of about 50 PCA ministers came... Continue Reading