Mark Driscoll, the Trinity, and W. G. T. Shedd
This is the problem facing modern American evangelicalism: a conscious decision on the part of our leaders to reject historical theology results in leaders of the church who are unable to defend her from false teaching and uneducated Christians in the pews who see nothing wrong with such false teaching. Last week, Mark Driscoll “interviewed”... Continue Reading
Obama and the Colleges
In other words, government itself has done things that drive college costs into the stratosphere. And now that it has, Obama wants to punish colleges for the soaring prices he and his ilk helped produce. In his State of the Union address, President Obama declared his intention to cut federal funding for colleges and universities... Continue Reading
Our First Mormon President? Is It Romney? If It Is, So What?
But then are there not a few “good” fruits that are associated with Mormonism. A good work ethic. Strong family values. Genealogical research. Community. The Tabernacle Choir. On Tuesday Mitt Romney routed Newt Gingrich in the Florida primary. It’s possible that Romney will soon have the Republican nomination effectively in hand. The dedication of Ron... Continue Reading
The Holocaust and Mississippi
Someone once asked me whether I would abort Adolf Hitler if I knew in advance he would try to launch a Holocaust against millions of Jews. I said I would not. That is because aborting Hitler would not have prevented the Holocaust. It would have justified it. The killing of millions of innocents does not... Continue Reading
A Marriage of Faithfulness and Understanding: Thoughts on Unity in the PCA
The PCA’s analogy to a wedding is the service of ordination prescribed by our Book of Church Order. Here, vows to fidelity are made primarily with respect to upholding our doctrinal standards….So essential are these doctrinal standards to our unity that teaching elders (ministers) must vow “to be zealous and faithful in maintaining the truths... Continue Reading
Blessed Extraspective: A Sharper Eye Makes a Cleaner House
I tried to say before, why don’t we just all repent toward each other? Why don’t the GraceBoys confess their struggles with proud self-centeredness, and the AntiOnes confess that within their bundle of differing motivations they sometimes minimize the enduring love of Jesus? I’m enthusiastic about trusting Christ. I did it six times in my... Continue Reading
God’s “Oscar”
The making of Hollywood’s coveted “Oscar” is fascinating. The process of creating the Oscar starts with the pouring of metal into a special mold. The mold is formed to allow the Oscar to be made of solid metal instead of being hollow like most trophies. The next step after being removed from the mold is... Continue Reading
Should I marry a man with pornography struggles?
A man addicted to pornography (or any other substance) is incapable of making that first commitment. Addiction is one of the “4A’s” that typically destroy a marriage (addiction, abuse, adultery, abandonment) and women are too tempted to play the Savior Card (“I can save him; I can help him; I can change him”). I read... Continue Reading
It Is Well With My Soul
There have been many attempts to explain the trials and sufferings of life, and many philosophical debates around the issue of why God allows suffering at all. Horatio Spafford’s response to the loss of his family may seem an incredible form of escapism to some, but to others it expresses the deepest assurances of faith... Continue Reading
Thoughts on Gay by Choice
Cynthia Nixon of “Sex in the City” fame, recently gave a speech in which she said that she is gay by choice. She said, “I have been straight and I have been gay and gay is better.” This of course caused an uproar in the gay community. One gay rights advocate “John Aravosis wrote that... Continue Reading