Muscular Christianity
One noted pastor has said that God gave Christianity a “masculine feel.” Another contrasted “latte-sipping Cabriolet drivers” with “real men.” Jesus and his buddies were “dudes: heterosexual, win-a-fight, punch-you-in-the-nose dudes.” Real Christian men like Jesus and Paul “are aggressive, assertive, and nonverbal.” Seriously? Among the contradictions of my childhood experiences in churches was the fact... Continue Reading
The 10 Warning Signs of an Inwardly Obsessed Church
3. Facility focus. The church facilities develop iconic status. One of the highest priorities in the church is the protection and preservation of rooms, furniture, and other visible parts of the church’s buildings and grounds. Any healthy church must have some level of inward focus. Those in the church should be discipled. Hurting members need... Continue Reading
Hiding Above the Fray
But there is also more to life than boasting of civility when battles need to be won. When the Bible tells us to seek the things that are above, it doesn’t always mean the fray. I’m not saying their positions are always wrong, but their position on their positions makes me nervous. I’m talking about... Continue Reading
Sunday Special: A Parting Letter -‘Nothing so ill, but Christ will compensate’
(Editor’s Note: Today we begin a new series we will call ‘Sunday Special’. We will invite pastors of local churches to provide a series of meditations and will place the Sunday Special at the top of the list of stories which run on Sundays – but will be available on Saturday night (EDT). We will... Continue Reading
Embracing the Brokenness of Your Church
Some churches hide their brokenness. They polish their presentation so that everything is smooth and well choreographed. The worship service goes off like a well rehearsed corporate presentation. The music is engaging without a note misplayed. The preacher is well rehearsed and his sermon timed perfectly for the band in a building across town receiving... Continue Reading
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) — Yesterday’s moderates are today’s ‘conservatives’
My time at the “Sexuality and Covenant” conference as a reporter was valuable. It allowed me first-hand observation of what happens when Scripture’s authority and clarity is subjected to competing authorities. What I witnessed before the altar of “conversation” was a fellowship cementing its sexual ethics away from Scripture and elevating experience in its place.... Continue Reading
Why are Millennials leaving the church?
In addition to the increase in religious disaffiliation, younger Millennials report low levels of religious engagement across the board. Only one-quarter (25 percent) of Millennials say they attend religious services at least once a week, while 3-in-10 (30 percent) say they attend occasionally Pastors and priests seeking to fill their pews with young churchgoers have... Continue Reading
Narrow is the Way, says Jesus – but Joel Osteen prefers ‘Broad’way
“Everybody has the right to their own views. Some feel stronger than I do, but … I’m trying to reach the biggest, broadest group. …” – Joel Osteen It’s no surprise that major news networks, casting about for an expert on Christianity, would ring up Joel Osteen, senior pastor of the nation’s largest megachurch. The... Continue Reading
Is the Megachurch the new Liberalism?
A shot now reverberating around the evangelical world was fired by Atlanta megachurch pastor Andy Stanley in recent days…… Does this signal the normalization of homosexuality at North Point Community Church? This hardly seems possible, but it appeared to be the implication of the message. (Editor’s Note: This is a much longer than normal blog... Continue Reading
Church of England: Be Evangelical or Be Gone!
The Church of England, like its counterparts in the US, Canada, Wales and Scotland, is going out of business. The Global South need only wait and they will win. Sooner or later, a man will sit on the throne in Canterbury and he will stand up and preach a sermon so unashamedly biblical that many... Continue Reading