Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us
Similarly, in dealing with those who differ, we ought not to split hairs about language just in order to pounce on our opponent because he or she has not used accurate wording. It is more effective to seek to apprehend what is meant and then to relate ourselves to the person’s meaning (Editor’s Note: This... Continue Reading
Daughters, Be Good to Your Mothers
Yes, we are commanded by Scripture to honor our mothers. Whether your mother has passed away or is alive and well, or whether you are close to your mother or there is a strain in your relationship with her, Scripture calls us as daughters to honor our mothers. To say that I’m looking forward to... Continue Reading
How Mother’s Day Hype Can Ruin Your Mother’s Day
God is a God of Mother’s Day—and all days. Whether mom is making $115,000 a year or a peanut butter sandwich, what matters isn’t what she receives, but what se gives and that she does it all with his presence in mind. On Mother’s Day and every day. Chocolate. Spa gift certificates. Flowers. Fruit baskets.... Continue Reading
Sunday Special: Sovereignty of “the Good Husbandman.”
God’s ways are not our ways. He is God. His purposes towards his people are the product of his perfect wisdom, gracious sovereignty and electing love. Here we see through a glass darkly. Here, our fragile, earthen vessels are only too easily cracked by perplexity and pain. What will keep us from losing heart, and... Continue Reading
Church members long for pastors to understand their work lives
What this person was asking for was more sensitivity to the kinds of complexities he faces on a daily basis — a reasonable expectation. And his pastor could respond to this need in helpful ways without becoming an expert on corporate finance “My pastor has no idea of the kind of world I live in... Continue Reading
More Blog Articles on Same Sex Marriage, with different perspectives
Clearly this topic is the hottest around, in many different circles, and certainly among evangelical Christians. There was some talk it was the hottest topic in the history of Twitter. We are providing seven more links to the best of the rest out there In case you missed it, here is the initial offering of... Continue Reading
Not ‘Shall’ But ‘When’ Did the Fundamentalists Win?
The last I checked, the American empire was full of citizens who are certain about their views, the ridiculousness if not perverseness of their opponents, and committed to keeping the other side out of power. If only the American public (as opposed to the mainline churches) had paid heed to Harry Emerson Fosdick.. Culture warriors... Continue Reading
The Beauty of Concealed Scholarship
I recall that in mathematics lessons at school, the mantra used to be often repeated, “Show your working.” What is appropriate in the maths class is not in the pulpit. The pulpit is not for the display of intellect, but the fruits of it; not for the show of working, but for the product of... Continue Reading
I Will Go to Them, But They Will Not Return To Me
When we lost Elizabeth, God comforted me and Joe with the same comfort he gave to King David when his son died: “But now that he is dead, why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me.” Our first baby was full... Continue Reading
Honour The Vanilla Men
‘[I]f a Christian man, however able and learned and knowledgeable he may be, is not ready to sit down and listen to the man whom God has called, and appointed, and sent to perform this task, with joy and with keen anticipation, I take leave to query whether that man is a Christian at all.’... Continue Reading