God Can Repair Broken Daddies: A Father’s Day Message
Your parents are not perfect. And you cannot use their sins to disguise your own
Father's Day is a day to remember that God made dads. And when they break, and they can and often do, only He can fix them.
Freedom in Christ
The Gospel proclaims we are set free from sin in Christ—free from its guilt, its reign, and its power
In the Reformed community there has been quite an emphasis of late on the freedom we have in Christ from the guilt of sin. Thank God! That is essential in our Gospel preaching and teaching.
Black and White and Red All Over: Why Racial Justice Is a Gospel Issue
Segregation, like slavery, was shown to be what all human consciences already knew it to be: not just a political injustice or a social inequity (although certainly that) but also a sin against God and neighbor and a repudiation of the gospel. Regenerate hearts ultimately melted before such arguments because in them they heard the voice of their Christ, a voice they’d heard in the Scriptures themselves.
Presbyterians, Relativism, and Nostalgia
This is why so many Presbyterians treat the Westminster Divines the way most Americans regard the founders — these are the heroic founders of our religious and political institutions. Noting the problems and flaws that haunted these folks is not what most people want to hear. They’d rather contemplate the genius, commitment, and courage that led to the triumph of good over bad
Only 15 Percent of Americans Believe in Godless Evolution, Says Gallup
Forty-six percent said they believe God created human beings pretty much in their present form within approximately the last 10,000 years. Thirty-two percent said human beings develop over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided the process.
The One Indispensable Rule for Using Social Media
So be careful little fingers what you post. The internet is like God and like the devil. It sees all and forgives nothing. Knowing this, I will still tweet and blog, and I’m sure I’ll make mistakes from time to time. But I hope I won't forget the one indispensable rule.
Old Testament Law and the Charge of Inconsistency
Further, the New Testament explains another change between the Testaments. Sins continue to be sins—but the penalties change. In the Old Testament things like adultery or incest were punishable with civil sanctions like execution…But in the New Testament the people of God are an assembly of churches all over the world, living under many different governments. The church is not a civil government, and so sins are dealt with by exhortation and, at worst, exclusion from membership.
Rome Sweet Home? – What’s Up?
Joining a Reformed church, I felt like I belonged in some way now to the communion of saints—not just in my local church, but in all times and places. I had to get used to words like “liturgy” and “catechism.” (At the time, I didn’t even know that the Reformers recovered the ancient practice of catechism instruction and Rome only picked up on it as a way of countering the movement.) The public recitation of the creed and the confession of sin was jarring at first. It was a little off-putting to hear the pastor declare in Christ’s name that I am forgiven.
Why the Mission of the Church Discussion Still Matters
Whose Mission Statement Is this? “What would it take to change the world, provide food for the hungry, and water to the thirsty, teach children to read, and keep them healthy, shelter families and train a new generation, give the poor a chance to better themselves, create a worldwide network of peacemakers, and conquer a... Continue Reading
Evangelicals and the Politicized Pulpit
Individual Christians Should be Politically Involved, Not Churches
Evangelicals need to guard against a parallel politicization of churches. Pastors as they exegete Scripture can and should make practical applications to key moral issues such as abortion, but they should be wary of going further. The Bible tells us what we need to know about past and future—how we're created and where we're going. It does not tell us precisely what to do about the Keystone pipeline or Iran's drive for nuclear weapons.