You Cannot Be Spiritual Without Being Religious
The spiritual person understands spiritual truths. He receives what the Spirit imparts
The spiritual person discerns spiritual things, starting with the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ on the cross for sinners like you and me. To accept this gospel, with all its doctrinal and religious contours, is the beginning of true spirituality. For in the end, our slogans and endless searching do not count for much, neither does our interest in reading Chicken Soup for the Soul.
A Christian guide to job hunting
9.5 Principles to Follow
At times, I’ve come across the person who says he wants to find work without anyone’s help; this is prideful and also impossible. If this is you, repent of your foolishness.
Thank you, Southern Baptists
The so-called “fundamentalist” coup of the 70's turned out to be a populist uprising against liberal elites
Thanks partly to Southern Baptist conservatism, the states where it dominates remain the nation’s bedrock of opposition to unrestricted abortion rights, same-sex marriage, and secularist usurpations on religious liberty
‘Reformed Communion’, a new PCA Alliance formed and a website launched
And they really know how to throw a party!!
"The Reformed Communion is a ministerial network seeking to share in ministry and life together. We are committed to the gospel, a reformed theological orientation, a catholic sensitivity, the centrality of the church, the mission of God and an incarnational approach to ministry."
Brokenness in Shiner
Every single thing about this story screams brokenness.
father was working on his ranch when another worker told him that a man was seen taking his 4-year-old daughter to a secluded area. When he went to look for the little girl he heard her screaming and rushed to her rescue. The father found the man sexually molesting his daughter, and, in an effort to protect her, beat the man to death.
The Futility of Control: Where Shall We Find Rest?
God asks you to trust his loving and wise rule, even though you don't have a clue what he is doing.
Real rest is found in trust. So (God) is willing to have the conversation with you again and again, and he has made sure that his Word assures you of his rule again and again.
When the Gospel Penetrates Life and Culture
Address to the Legacy 2012 Conference, in honor of legendary missionary to Muslims, Samuel Zwemer
Authentic biblical faith has always been transforming faith that took place within God’s appointed means for the change, his set apart people, the visible church. The people that get that are Muslim background Christians. They both realize the utter necessity of the visible church and the necessity to leave false religions such as Islam in order for gospel transformation to actually take place
Locating the Source of 2K Objections
(Aside from theonomy and Neo-Calvinism)
A contemporary application for those associated with Federal Vision is that if the church doesn’t have such authority, then Federal Visionaries won’t face church discipline, because the magistrate sure isn’t going to do it.
Sixteen Ways to Find a Wife According to the Bible
The Bible has more to say about arranged marriages, for example, than it does "courtship" or dating.
(10) Even if no one is out there, just wander around a bit and you’ll definitely find someone.--Cain (Gen. 4:16-17) (11) Become the emperor of a huge nation and hold a beauty contest.--Xerxes or Ahasuerus (Esther 2:3-4)
Veggie Tales, Moralism, and Modern Preaching
The gospel is the foundation for moral imperatives, the context for moral imperatives, and the backdrop for moral imperatives.
If we feel obligated to preach only Christ’s priestly office, then we must find a way to turn every text to this issue even when it may not naturally go there. Thus, we “find” Christ in the text in an unnatural way rather than a natural way. This ends up creating sermons that sound almost the same every time, regardless of what the passage actually says