Media At War
Two unreported or underreported aspects of the Todd Akin/rape controversy
A rape is a criminal and evil violation of a woman’s body...She certainly doesn’t need the added, huge burden of complicity in a brutal attack on an unborn child. The child is innocent. So many women who have had abortions, even under such grievous circumstances, have regretted them later.
What Todd Akin Should Have Said About Abortion and Rape
"As disturbing as Akin’s remarks are, I am concerned about the conflation of issues that suddenly appeared in the aftermath"
The media circus moved quickly from discussion of Akin’s remarks to a wider discussion about the legitimacy of abortion in a tough case. And some “pro-life” politicians took the bait, not only condemning Akin’s unfortunate remarks but also declaring their support for abortion in this particular case. Let me be clear: Allowing abortion in the... Continue Reading
The Redemptive-Historical Preaching Fad…
Their failure is that they deny the morals and virtues of the types and examples--the flesh and blood of history, if you will.
Redemptive-historical browbeaters are scholastics out to destroy the Reformation doctrine of the perspicuity of Scripture. If you think that's overstating the case, take the story of David and Goliath and trace how our fathers in the faith have preached that story since the Reformation. Were all of them wrong?
Reemphasizing the Knowledge of Christ
The way people come to relationship and deepen their relationship with God is through Knowing Christ
This being said, it’s helpful to keep in mind that while cultural battles have been helpful in making the church aware of our condition and needs, our ultimate need and focus centers not on winning the cultural war as much as enabling people to come to relationship and depth of relationship with God. When people do this, it will have a direct effect upon the cultural battles.
My friend, do you ever marvel at the goodness and grace of the Lord toward you?
And the answer to it all is, the grace of a loving and faithful God revealed in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - what Matthew Henry called, "God's free favour and all the blessed fruits of it."
A Christian Response to “Gay” Marriage
To separate the health issue from the moral issue is nonsense. The very reason God says it is immoral is because it is unhealthy!
I am bothered by it not because I’m old fashioned or because I am a busy body telling other people how to live. I’m bothered by it because this is not just a matter of what they think and even what you think or I think. I am bothered by it because there is a third party in this matter and that third party is God the Maker of Heaven and Earth…and He does not consider it acceptable! I care what He thinks!
Where is the Evangelical Protestant counterpart to Catholic Charities?
My early experiences with Protestant churches: There was no passion for the care of the poor.
Let's get the government out of this work, and let's somehow regain the Biblical principles of mercy ministry and let the 250 million evangelical Christians…get our collective acts together and reclaim our rightful responsibilities in mercy ministries.
The Sabbath Day and Confessional Subscription
How do we as Reformed Christians see the role of the Law in the life of the Believer?
If these words in our Confessional standards are legalistic and tend towards Phariseeism then those who find them unbiblical should see that they are removed from our Standards, because if they are not a Biblical summary of the truths of Holy Scripture we shouldn’t confess them
Pat Robertson vs. the Spirit of Adoption
This is not just a statement we ought to disagree with. This is of the devil.
The prosperity and power gospel Robertson has preached fits perfectly well with the kind of counsel he’s giving in recent years. Give China a pass on their murderous policies; we’ve got business interests there. Divorce your weak wife; she can’t do anything for you anymore. Those adopted kids might have brain damage; they’re “weird.”
It Matters Whom You Marry
Be careful – a husband can cripple or foster emotional health
So how will your boyfriend do after the vows? Because this is just a sampling of the ways that a husband can bless or curse his wife. The effects are far reaching, long lasting, and either wonderful or difficult. True, there are no perfect men out there. But there are great ones. And it’s better to be single for life than to marry someone who will make your life a burden. Singleness can be great. Marriage to the wrong person is a nightmare.