Not so Wild: A Movie Review
Instead of the romp described in its trailer, Where the Wild Things Are offers a quiet, moving story Megan Basham You could certainly be forgiven for assuming that director Spike Jonze’s new film, Where the Wild Things Are (rated PG for action and mild language), is an adventure movie intended to capture the hearts of... Continue Reading
Have a Little Faith
From the pen of author Mitch Albom now comes Have a Little Faith, a book that shot straight to the top of the New York Times list of bestsellers within days of its release. Have a Little Faith is a well-written and interesting book that has already been widely praised. The endorsements on the book’s... Continue Reading
The Fate of the Spirit
The wobbly religious lives of young people emerging into adulthood By Naomi Schaefer Riley,Wall Street Journal College professors have been complaining about their students since the beginning of time, and not without reason. But in the past several years more that a few professors—to judge by my conversations with a wide range of them—have noticed... Continue Reading
“My God Is True! Lessons Learned Along Cancer’s Dark Road” – A Review
Review of My God Is True! Lessons Learned along Cancer’s Dark Road, by Paul D. Wolfe (Banner of Truth Trust, 2009 In 1999, Paul Wolfe, a newly married student at Westminster Theological Seminary, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Although his bout with cancer still continues to influence his life, it has not shattered his world.... Continue Reading
By Tim Challies It is here at last. For years now I have been waiting for a great biography of Calvin—the kind of biography which I would recommend without hesitation for those who would want to learn about the life of the great Reformer. In a year that has seen the arrival of at least... Continue Reading
No Time To Waste Now Available
JD Wetterling, a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church in America, has written a book, No Time To Waste. As labors of love go, this one is at the top of my list, stated Wetterling. No Time To Waste is a chilling combat memoir, a gripping gospel story—to hell and back and glory beyond by... Continue Reading
Book Review – “Why We Love the Church”
Church is out, spirituality is in. This is true outside Christians circles but, shockingly, it is true within as well. Recent years have seen a long succession of books talking of the revolution to come (or the revolution underway) which will see Christians abandon the institutional church in favor of expressions of the faith that... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Why We’re Not Emergent “
Why We’re Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be), By Kevin DeYoung & Ted Kluck, Moody Press, 2008. Reviewed by Jonathan Leeman "They just don’t get it." I predict that’s what the naysayers of Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck’s new book Why We’re Not Emergent will say. "They don’t understand me"... Continue Reading
A Review of “The Shack”
Tim Challies has written a lengthy review of The Shack by William P. Young. The review begins with this paragraph: I am certain that there is no other book I’ve been asked to review more times than William P. Young’s The Shack, a book that is currently well within the top-100 best-selling titles... Continue Reading
Covenant College Business Professor Quatro Co-Edits Book on Executive Ethics
Dr. Scott Quatro, associate professor of management in the Department of Business at Covenant College, has co-edited the book Executive Ethics: Ethical Dilemmas and Challenges for the C-Suite, published by Information Age Publishing. With co-editor Dr. Ronald Sims, professor of organizational behavior in the Mason School of Business at the College of William... Continue Reading