Part 2: Actions of the ARP Synod – Wednesday PM Session (June 9, 2010)
With about 30 minutes remaining until the time fixed for recess at 9:30PM, the Synod moved to consider Committee Reports. In just 24 minutes, the Synod accomplished the following: Approved the continuation for one year of the Strategic Planning Committee. Approved the report as a whole of the Theological and Social Concerns Committee. · The... Continue Reading
Remainder of Actions of the ARP Synod – Thursday (June 10, 2010)
Principle Actions of Synod concerning Erskine College and Seminary have been previously posted (see This story includes a report of all other actions from Thursday, June 10 Vice Moderator, The Rev. Robert E. (Rob) Patrick, III, gaveled the meeting of the 2010 ARP Synod at 8:30AM on Thursday, June 10, 2010. Once again the... Continue Reading
ARP Synod Seeks Clear Solution to Erskine Impasse – and Settles for the ‘Best Available”
While a lot of questions remain unanswered, and some of the business didn’t get finished, the ARP Synod’s rules forced them to go home at 9:00PM In a full day of business meetings, the 206th Meeting of the General Synod of the Associate Reformed Church gathered at the Bonclarken Conference Center once again on Thursday,... Continue Reading
American Anglicans assess first year; plan for future
The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) formed last year in defiance of what its founders saw as a liberal, “un-Biblical” drift within the Episcopal Church in the USA. A group of former Episcopalians, who one year ago stirred up controversy in the Episcopal Church (U.S.A.) by breaking away and launching a more traditional Anglican... Continue Reading
(Revised) Part 1: ARP Synod – Wednesday PM Session (June 9, 2010)
The primary business scheduled for this evening was to hear the annual address by the President of the APP Women’s Ministries and official greetings from Fraternal Delegates of several sister denominations. After many, many meetings of committees and Presbyteries, and the normal fine meal in the Bonclarken dining hall, the delegates returned to the Youth... Continue Reading
Actions of the ARP Synod – Wednesday AM Session (June 9, 2010)
The initial business meeting of the 2010 ARP Synod began at 8:30AM in the Youth Activity building (think gymnasium) at Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC. A brief worship service, including a sermon by The Reverend William C. (Bill) Marsh of Christ Community ARP in Greensboro, NC began the day. Following the service, the... Continue Reading
PCA General Assembly Luncheon: Navigating The New Health Care Reform Market AND Volatile Markets of 2010
Attendees at the PCA General Assembly this year are invited to a very special, and very free, lunch sponsored by the Retirement Benefits Board of the PCA The luncheon will be on Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm. It will be held in the Nashville Convention Center in Room 206. No advance... Continue Reading
ARP Synod meets for 206th Annual Meeting; this time without Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
For what most could recall, and what those who could research had determined, 2010 was the first time in a long time, if not forever, that the opening worship service of an ARP Synod meeting did not include the celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. As the outgoing Moderator, the Reverend Dr. John... Continue Reading
South Florida Presbytery Overtures PCA GA to encourage action on Sanctity of Human Life issues
Abortion is wrong; it is sin. God as the righteous and holy Judge will not permit sin to be justified by human “situations.” Over the years the PCA has received a number of overtures and requests on the issue of the Sanctity of Life. At one stage there were three significant votes in a row... Continue Reading
Former commissioner to PCUSA Assembly offers ‘GA HELP’ to this year’s class
In anticipation of the first “paperless” Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly, Charlotte, N.C. pastor and 2008 GA commissioner Robert Austell wants to ensure that participants are fully equipped for the strenuous week. Hoping to help GA commissioners sort through an immense amount of information on dozens of complicated issues, in addition to an exhausting schedule... Continue Reading