Why Your Church Needs Facebook, Twitter Presence
By contributing, you have a chance to become a valued and respected voice in conversations around local matters.
As a Twitter user, you can engage with a broader Christian community and with others in your own local area (and with other interest groups if your church is involved; there are significant Twitter communities sharing news around human trafficking or debt counseling or student mission, for instance). You can eavesdrop on these conversations and be informed, or you can contribute.
The Gospel and the Gender Wars
The divorce culture around us is the most obvious sign of men and women in conflict with one another
The church continually works to reclaim a biblical concept of the family. We call men to prepare themselves to be other-directed husbands. We call on women to find their beauty not in cultural stereotypes of a woman’s value but in God’s delight (1 Peter 3:1–6). Such will look increasingly and, oddly, peaceful to a culture conditioned to gender wars. But in the end, it’s not about being better men and women. It’s about a clear proclamation of the mystery of Christ and His church. They’re not in tension with one another, in competition with one another, mistrusting one another. They’re head and body—one flesh.
Why Jethro? The Wisdom of What God Doesn’t Say
Regarding secondary or administrative things, God leaves much to our figuring out
In Exodus 18, while visiting his famous son-in-law, Jethro observes Moses’s judicial administrative methods and then gives sage advice on delegation. The outcome was a much more effective and efficient way of serving the people. But why didn’t God just tell Moses that from the beginning? “Thus the Lord used to speak to... Continue Reading
PCA Teaching Elder James Meek called as Dean of Erskine Theological Seminary
Dr. Meek will assume his duties in Due West, SC on October 19
In addition to assuming academic/administrative responsibilities at the seminary, Jim will also teach Greek and New Testament courses. His Bible Overview book is already a staple text in some of our seminary courses
Trongate: The Scandal of Glasgow
The great city of Glasgow has a motto – ‘Let Glasgow flourish”. Actually the full motto is or was, ‘Let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of the Word’
Whilst in the great scheme of things what I am about to write about is not of the same scale as some of the much deeper and wider injustices in our society and world today, nonetheless what is going on is indicative of a deep malaise within the church in Scotland in general and the Church of Scotland in particular.
Not a Celebrity Pastor’s Wife? That’s Okay!
You are not ordinary because God forgot to make you famous. You are ordinary because, from the beginning of time, He had good works planned for you to do
Ordinary women, being relational creatures, often see well-known men and women in ministry--the ones who write books, speak at conferences, launch ministries, or are married to people who do--and retreat into feelings of worthlessness. Stop it. Right. Now.
The Church and Israel in the New Testament
Some covenant theologians have adopted a view that many dispensationalists describe as “replacement theology.”
One of the most common questions asked by students of the Bible concerns the relationship between Israel and the church. We read the Old Testament, and it is evident that most of it concerns the story of Israel. From Jacob to the exile, the people of God is Israel, and Israel is the people of God. Despite the constant sin of king and people leading to the judgment of exile, the prophets look beyond this judgment with hope to a time of restoration for Israel.
Six Reflections on Protestant Decline in America
We need to re-examine how we define Christian discipleship in a culture coming apart.
Why this trend? The Pew report only touches on a few of the reasons—but all kinds of causes have been suggested: a move away from the gospel, failure of Christians to live out their faith, identifying Christianity too closely with politics, suffocating materialism, the pluralism of our global age, a spiritual but post-Christian worldview pumped... Continue Reading
PCUSA’s Highest Commission to Hear Case of Lesbian Clergy Who Married Her Partner
The case will be argued before the Permanent Judicial Commission on Oct. 26 in Louisville, Ky.
In October 2009 Rev. McNeill, then a pastor at Central Presbyterian Church at Newark (NJ) Presbytery, went to Massachusetts where she married her partner in a ceremony held at an Episcopal Church which was overseen by clergy from The Episcopal Church and the United Church of Christ.
A “Moderate” Makeover
Moderate has this advantage: no odor of hype. No excessive hopes that breed disillusionment. No danger of overpromising but underdelivering.
I find myself weary of dramatic hyperbole in descriptions of the ideal Christian life. Extreme! Radical! Passionate! Awesome! Edgy! On fire! Dramatic! I can understand the emotional appeal of such hyperbole. After all, who wants to live half-baked, mediocre, listless, dull, bland, and boring?! But the opposite of listless is not necessarily all fired up. Our faith contains a wonderfully curious surprise.