Enough of “Three Strikes”: Unjust and Expensive
For nearly two decades, California’s “three-strikes-you’re-out” law has ruined lives and hobbled the corrections system. It’s time for a change.
As a policy choice, California’s “three-strikes” measure has been a disaster. No one understood this better and sounded the alarm more clearly than Chuck Colson and Justice Fellowship, the criminal justice reform ministry he founded. In the months leading up to the ballot initiative, he warned anyone who would listen that measures like this one would do far more harm than good.
Do Men Mother?
There may be something to the old-fashioned Biblical idea of manhood and womanhood after all.
Fathers were also more likely to encourage children’s risk taking—whether on the playground, in school work, or in trying new things. While mothers typically discouraged risk-taking, fathers guided their children in deciding how much risk to take and encouraged them in it. Are mothers and fathers more or less the same? Do mothers “father”... Continue Reading
Halloween and Evangelical Identity
An evangelical is a fundamentalist whose kids dress up for Halloween.
A conservative evangelical is a fundamentalist whose kids dress up for the church’s “Fall Festival.” A confessional evangelical is a fundamentalist whose kids dress up as Zwingli and Bucer for “Reformation Day.”
Misunderstanding Vatican II
Many overlooked the fact that Pope John XXIII ruled out any debate about justification at Vatican II.
I think Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) and similar efforts to make common cause with Roman Catholics are based on a fundamental misunderstanding of where the Roman Catholic Church is theologically and what it actually teaches.
Free will vs. Free Agency
The Bible defines freedom, not as the freedom to choose otherwise in any way we please (contrary to our innate disposition), but as holiness, freedom from sin.
Consider the opposite theological position which affirms that God elects people based on some kind of forseen faith. If God already knows who will be saved even before He creates them, then such a reality (their salvation) is fixed and cannot be otherwise. Thus God would be wasting His time to try to convert persons whom He knows will never come to faith.
You Might Be A Lutheran If…….
(Our apologies to Jeff Foxworthy)
The following article is taken from the Unsettled Christianity Blog and written by a Lutheran theology student. This article loudly begs for submissions of 'You Might Be A Presbyterian if……' and/or 'You Might Be Dutch Reformed if……' (or many, many other) responses.
Why the IRS Has Stopped Auditing Churches—Even One that Calls President Obama a Muslim
Decision on who can authorize investigations of churches that influence voters is frozen for foreseeable future.
But most pastors don't need the IRS to stop them from offering voting advice from the pulpit. According to a recent LifeWay Research poll, almost 90 percent of Protestant pastors believe they should keep endorsements out of the pulpit—up from about 85 percent who felt that way last year
A Review: A Year of Biblical Womanhood
Here's what I would have said if we could have gotten the chance to open that dialogue.
Rachel, I can and do agree with much of what you say in your book regarding the ways in which either poor biblical interpretation or patriarchal customs have sinfully oppressed women. I would join you in exposing churches, books, teachers, and leaders who have imposed a human agenda on the Bible. However, you have become what you claim to despise; you have imposed your own agenda on Scripture in order to advance your own goals.
Christian Leaders Cross Denominational Lines
Ecumenical Leadership Summit Builds Working Relationships; PCA, EPC, PC(USA) represented
6) Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40). We affirm that the Church is called to seek justice for all, to extend God's compassion for those in need, and to work for peace among all nations and peoples.
Christianity and the Dark Side — What About Halloween?
“Halloween is currently the second most important party night in North America. In terms of its retail potential, it is second only to Christmas"
The coming of Halloween is a good time for Christians to remember that evil spirits are real and that the Devil will seize every opportunity to trumpet his own celebrity. Perhaps the best response to the Devil at Halloween is that offered by Martin Luther, the great Reformer: “The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him for he cannot bear scorn.”