Is CCEF Anti-Science?
CCEF likes science. Of course, everyone likes science—there is no news in that
CCEF is occasionally identified as anti-science, especially psychological science, but this is not the case. We are interested in careful and modest science. When we find it, we work to understand it as part of a larger reality. By that I mean, once we have a reliable observation, we want to “retell” that observation in... Continue Reading
The Most Overlooked Doctrine
One of the most overlooked doctrines today is that of God as Creator
There’s a more fundamental and foundational life than the Christian life: that is, “creature life.” Before we are Christians, we are creatures; before God is our Savior, He is our Creator. And He’s not just made us, but in His Word (via sound interpretation) and in His world (via sound scientific research), He instructs us... Continue Reading
The Facebook Facade
Students say the social network designed to bring people together often leaves them feeling alone and dissatisfied
Many college students Hill sees say they feel very alone after reading Facebook posts, thinking everyone else is having a much better life than they are-an effect that many counselors refer to as “Facebook depression.” Like most other college students, Michael Anderson uses Facebook to keep up with family and friends. But reading... Continue Reading
PCUSA Highest Court declares presbyteries MUST consider property values when dismissing congregations
First of two setbacks for evangelicals at recent GA Judicial Commission Meeting in Louisville
Decision only ‘declarative’ in case of Danville, CA congregation; but all Presbyteries now must bring policies in line with this decision The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (GAPJC) has ruled that a presbytery must “fulfill its fiduciary duty under the trust clause,” when it considers dismissing a congregation from the Presbyterian Church (USA) into... Continue Reading
What We Say About Our Religion, And What We Do
Americans report attending church more often than they actually do
It turns out only about 24 percent of Americans actually report attending religious services in the past week…What this suggests is that in actual religious practice, Americans might not be that different from people in Western Europe when it comes to what they do, but they might be very different for people in Western Europe... Continue Reading
“Is Everything Sad Going to Come Untrue?”
Eschatology in the Lord of the Rings
Everyone has an eschatology. The believer, the atheist, the agnostic, the Hindu—everyone has to give an account for how evil is going to be dealt with. The question isn’t whether people have an eschatology, but whether it is a compelling and coherent eschatology
How Could We Reinvent “College”? Fifteen Ideas
Shocker. An increasing number of intellectuals and major publications are questioning the value of America’s colleges
“What if the academic work force were made up primarily of two types of faculty members? One, a small proportion of tenure-track professors—those who earn doctoral degrees, do research, train graduate students, teach advanced seminars, and help administrators run the university. And two, a larger portion of full-time instructors…who teach undergraduates, help advise them, keep up with developments in the field by reading and attending conferences, but do no research.”
A Hopeful Offense
Having Jews in your service will affect the way you preach the gospel. In fact, it’s likely to make it more biblical.
Follow Closely and Learn from the Apostles’ Examples in Acts. Luke’s account of the early Apostolic ministry is hugely important. It’s the only substantial account of Apostolic sermons in which Christ is explicitly preached from the Old Testament. Here are three examples:
The Rise, Expansion, and Fall of the Evangelical Left; A Review
It may not be as dead as it seems, argues David Swartz. Maybe it even won.
It is precisely this possibility that makes Moral Minority not only a stirring account of recent American history, but also a necessary tool for understanding our global Christian moment. Buy it, read it, debate it, disagree with it, but do not ignore it.
5 Ways Pastors Can Know It’s Time to Move On
The honeymoon lasts a year or two, disillusionment lasts three or four years, and then comes realistic love
Spouses, children and the congregation itself may know before you do. God may be speaking through the people around you. Take the community of faith seriously. We make these decisions as interrelated parts of the church, as expressed through a church. Discernment is one of the gifts we offer one another in this body. Discreetly explore the spiritual direction available to you through this local body of Christ wherein you serve.