A Southern Baptist Professor Calls for a New “Christian Conservatism”
In an increasingly dysfunctional evangelical community, will this plea lead to a new dawn of Christianity?
Christians have found themselves in dire circumstances in the past. Christianity was illegal for several centuries in ancient Rome. Yet in that period, Christians did not shrink back from a bold witness; they ramped up their courage, engaged the public square, and continued to courageously proclaim the gospel. For people to suggest that this modern... Continue Reading
7 Things a Pastor’s Kid Needs from a Father
It gets harder to share time with kids as they get older. So study them as hard as you study your Greek lexicon
One of the graces PKs need is a single moral standard. Too many PKs feel the pressure of their fathers' priestly profession in our moral lives. The pastor and elder qualifications in 1 Timothy and Titus feel like a threat: "If you screw up, your father not only looks bad, he will be out of a job." But those standards are the same ones that every Christian should be held to (other than the ability to teach). Nobody else's dad is at risk of being unemployed if his kid is rebellious, but mine is.
The Sin About Which No One Will Speak
Envy is like a fly that passes all the body’s sounder parts, and dwells upon the sores. – Arthur Chapman
Envy is an insidious sin. And yet we don’t preach about it. We don’t warn of it’s dangers. Instead, we let it have its reign in our culture, because it drives our economy. Watch the commercials on prime-time TV. What is at the heart of every single one? Is it not envy? Is it not the lie that “You deserve this new thing. You’ve worked hard. Why shouldn’t you have what others have?”
PCUSA Judicial Decision “Presbytery of Newark v McNeill” involving lesbian marriage
No errors were sustained, all appeals are exhausted and no PJC found grounds to affirm the charges against TE McNeill.
Those interested in prosecuting these cases now know what does not work so clearly the roadmap is to construct charges and prosecution strategy that includes Scripture, the Confessions and interpretation of the Directory for Worship that balances both the covenant community and the individual within it. Charges should have a theological depth like the Davis charges or the charges against Charles A. Briggs..
Opposing the truth-trashers
“Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of becoming the March of Dimes after polio got licked.”
Our task is first, last, and always simply to tell the truth about what’s going on in the world—with full confidence that God will use that truth to highlight who the bad guys really are, to smoke them out of the hiding places the mainstream media have so generously allowed them.
An Open Letter to the Next President of the United States
Dear President Obama or President-elect Romney:
One of you men will soon be elected to lead our nation for the next four years. I realize that I am but one of tens of millions of voters and citizens. My words have little influence or impact. But, thanks to the freedoms we have in this nation, I can speak my voice just like anyone else.
When Smart Theologians Endorse Dumb Hermeneutics
I can’t remember when I’ve read a book that was so disrespectful to women
No serious person can read the book and not see that (Rachel Held) Evans is mocking the Bible. There’s no getting around that. When you twist God’s word, act as if a narrative description is a Biblical command, and then use it to satirize views that no one holds, then you are mocking both the Bible and Christians.
God Is Laughing Especially Hard Today
Whether Romney of Obama wins, both of them are ultimately controlled like a watercourse.
Aaaah, election day. You can almost taste the fear and money in the air. Political signs are lined up six deep along the road, and the Facebook posts are flying fast and furious. Over the past months politicians have spent billions of dollars on ads that go something like this:
PCA Heartland Presbytery delays vote on Intinction Study
Update: Full report has been removed from this site at the request of the Presbytery
One year ago, prior to the PCA action at the 2012 General Assembly which passed an amendment to the Book of Church Order to clarify that the denomination standards do NOT permit the 'Intinction' form of administration of the Lord's Supper, Heartland Presbytery appointed a six man committee to study the issue for the Presbytery.
A Prayer for America on Election Day
May God grant us mercy and grace as we seek to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens — and our responsibilities as Christians. This world is not our home, but we do bear responsibilities as followers of Christ as we are living here. May God bless America, not because this nation deserves to be blessed, but because He is a God of grace and mercy. Oh God . . . save us from ourselves.