Crystal Cathedral former leader, Robert Schuller, takes stand in Bankruptcy Court
Accuses current ministry owes him millions of dollars
When asked again by his own attorney if the Crystal Cathedral had permission to sell his material on the Internet, Schuller said: "I need to discuss that with the Lord." Schuller had trouble remembering answers to other questions, including statements he had made in a court declaration and a sworn deposition.
A Promise Kept – Mojave Desert Cross Restored
The Mojave Desert cross is the only World War I memorial in the nation designated by Congress.
In 2010, high court ruled 5-4 that the land swap was permissible, with Justice Anthony Kennedy writing, “The goal of avoiding governmental endorsement [of religion] does not require eradication of all religious symbols in the public realm.”
A History of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
“Remember those in prison, as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.d" --Heb 13:3
Convicted by the realization that more people had died for their Christian faith in the twentieth century than in all the previous centuries combined, our coalition first met on January 23, 1996 at a meeting convened by Nina Shea, the director of the Center for Religious Freedom
IPC, founded by Francis Schaeffer, London congregation seeks to expand
'Whole community will benefit from new church'
(Pastor Paul) Levy said that if approved, the new building will maximise flexibility and usefulness of the spaces for a number of church and community-related activities to include a parent and toddler group, women’s English language classes and a children’s programme catering for youngsters aged five to 18.
Christian Right Failed to Sway Voters on Issues
The evangelical share of the population is both declining and graying, studies show.
The Christian right should have a natural inroad with Hispanics. The vast majority of Hispanics are evangelical or Catholic, and many of those are religious conservatives opposed to same-sex marriage and abortion. And yet, the pressing issue of immigration trumped religion, and Mr. Obama won the Hispanic vote by 44 percentage points.
A Second Important PCUSA General Assembly Permanent Judicial Decision
Tom et al v. Presbytery of San Francisco
If you want the bottom line, from a polity standpoint, here you go: When a congregation seeks dismissal under G-11.0103i (now G-3.0301a), it is the responsibility of the presbytery to fulfill its fiduciary duty under the Trust Clause.
The Trouble with Trinity Broadcast Network
Amid a flurry of scandalous accusations, ministries again face the question of whether to abandon or reform the broadcaster.
Amid the latest drama surrounding the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), should mainstream ministries seek reform or pull their programming?
Four More Years of Decline
Government seems to be replacing God as the only acceptable "deity."
In 2012, nothing appears to embarrass us. Snooki. Honey Boo Boo. Reality TV wives. Look at what is paraded before us as normal. Oppose the new normal and it's you who are the anomaly.
When Biography Shapes Theology
Our collective evangelical love for testimonies is both a blessing and a curse
So how can we prevent our theological convictions from turning into some sort of Sartrean "bad faith" in the face of tragedy, suffering, and existential despair? Although a great many responses come to mind, this one is perhaps the most apt: Learn from those who have suffered greatly and kept the faith.
What Does Your Church Bulletin Tell You About Your Priorities?
Insights from Genesis 28:13-22
What do you measure as ministry/discipleship success? Look in your weekly church bulletin or brochure. It reports what the leaders regularly measure. What does you bulletin report? What is featured most prominently?