2,750-year-old Temple Found Near Jerusalem
The Biblical settlement "Mozah" is mentioned in the Book of Joshua, described as a town in the tribal lands of Benjamin bordering on Judaea
The latest excavation has revealed a brand new structure, according to the directors, with massive walls and a wide, east-facing entrance, which conform to the tradition of temple construction in the ancient Near East. The archeologists stress that “the find of the sacred structure together with the accompanying cache of sacred vessels, and especially the... Continue Reading
Sanctity Issues: Marriage and Life
Two Major World and Life View issues which topped the news all year
Same Sex Marriage; Definition of Marriage; Chick-Fil-A Day; New Abortion Center Rules, Planned Parenthood funding falling off; Contraceptive Controversy; and many others Same Sex Marriage Passes in Four States. Perhaps the biggest news of the year on the marriage front came on election day when allfour states that voted on the same-sex marriage question (Maine,... Continue Reading
Top Fifty Stories of 2012 on The Aquila Report, Part 1
Numbers 41 through 50
Again this year we are featuring a summary of the top 50 stories. We are breaking the list into 5 parts, 10 a day; starting from the bottom and going up with 50 through 41 Number 50 Declaration on the Special Creation of Adam and Eve Adopted by the Session of Trinity Presbyterian... Continue Reading
Is Liberty’s Football Bid an Evangelical Hail Mary Pass?
Falwell-founded school hopes its football team will boost evangelicals the way Notre Dame's helped Catholics.
“What if a terrific coach and mentor of student athletes is only marginally committed to the Christian mission of the college?” he said. “To earn a place among college football’s elite programs, will Liberty alter its student conduct policies to attract more student athletes?” Liberty University, the nation’s largest Christian school, wants an invitation... Continue Reading
The Top Seven Regrets of Pastors
"I had this naïve view that a bunch of Christians in a church would always show love toward each other"
The interview was simple. I asked one open-ended question: “What regrets do you have about the years you have served as a pastor?” Each of the men could provide as many responses as they desired. I recently interviewed more than twenty pastors who had been in ministry for at least 25 years. All of... Continue Reading
The New Face of Religion in New England
Much of the church growth in secular New England stems from immigrants and the cultures they create in pursuit of spiritual grounding
Stephen Um is the Korean-born pastor of the Citylife Church in Boston, a 10-year-old Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) congregation that meets in a hotel and attracts 800 weekly attendees. He ministers to Boston’s youthful and professional elite: 35 percent of his half-white, half-Asian congregation has at least one postgraduate degree. But his ministry... Continue Reading
Should You ‘Choose’ to be Attracted to Your Potential Spouse?
Basing a relationship primarily on spiritual attraction creates unhelpful, hyper-spiritual pressure in relationships
If a young man came to me, and said he was thinking about a particular girl, I would ask him two questions: Is she godly? If yes, proceed to question number two. Do you think she is attractive? Recently Mike McKinley and Tim Challies both wrote articles which argued that young people, particularly men,... Continue Reading
My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2012
It's subjective, presumptuous, and guaranteed to infuriate almost all of you
In terms of sheer reader interest, nothing on The Gospel Coalition website in 2012 compared to the discussion surrounding Jefferson Bethke’s spoken word video: “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.” The end of the year brings lists galore recounting the best books and top news stories. But I’ve never seen anyone else attempt... Continue Reading
The Queen’s Christmas Speech 2012
A speech that received much praise in the Social Media
This is the time of year when we remember that God sent his only son ‘to serve, not to be served’. He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ. This past year has been one of great celebration for many. The enthusiasm which greeted the... Continue Reading
Demography is Destiny
Trends Shaping Our World in 2012
Mr. Mom more prevalent; Amish fastest growing U.S. religios group; Number of Christians in U.K. down; Southern Baptists See Membership Decline for Fifth Straight Year Mr. Mom More Prevalent. More fathers are becoming their children’s primary caregiver. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 32 percent of fathers who have a wife in the workforce took... Continue Reading