Natural Law Pops the Question
A Review of What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense
“Marriage is, of its essence, a comprehensive union: a union of will (by consent) and body (by sexual union); inherently ordered to procreation and thus the broad sharing of family life; and calling for permanent and exclusive commitment, whatever the spouses’ preferences.” To summarize: Sex. Kids. Faithfulness. What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A... Continue Reading
Proust, Paglia and Exit Wounds
Thoughts on Ordain a Lady, feminists, and empowerment through casual sex
At some moment in the past, feminists decided that objectified sex and objectified sexuality, far from being degrading to women, were their most potent means of empowerment. Part of me thinks that that may be the greatest confidence trick which men ever played on women. I am sure if the average fourteen year old boy... Continue Reading
Pregnancy Centers Gain Influence in Anti-Abortion Arena
Ground level, one-on-one, reaching the women where they are
Amanda Hall met Care Net’s definition of “abortion-vulnerable.” Twenty-five, pregnant with her second child, her husband in jail, she was facing eviction. Although uncomfortable about abortion, she checked “undecided,” saying, “I can’t support two kids.” Care Net let her stay in a house Ms. McGregor owns, found her a job, negotiated debt payment plans, offered... Continue Reading
What Is a Family Integrated Church?
Rejecting activities which separate children from parents
Is your Christian education based upon evolutionary and secular thinking? It is if your church practices the usual age-segregated Sunday school according to a new church movement. The family-integrated church movement, primarily within the homeschooling community, is a self-conscious challenge to classic Christian nurture. It has already affected some Reformed churches. But what exactly is... Continue Reading
The Shadow of a Godly Pastor: Oh How We Need An Anointed Ministry Today!
Our people need to sit beneath the shadow of a godly pastor
Have we in our quest for theological precision ignored our desire for a personal encounter with the living God? Have we focused on critiquing the world around us instead of seeking the Word from above us? If we are His, have we stopped seeking to keep in step with the One within us? Have we... Continue Reading
Raising the Bar on Joy
Joy is our animated response to the breakthrough of heaven into earth
We settle for too little. It is so easy to set the bar at mere obedience. Do right. Do right in the midst of temptations. Do right in suffering. These are certainly good, but when we know Jesus, we know there is more—we know there is joy. Joy lives in public Joy is our animated... Continue Reading
How To Help Someone NOT Change
Anger never produces any change at the heart level
So, how can you help them NOT change? How can you help them become hardened in their sins? It’s really rather easy. Two words: get angry. That’s all there is to it! If you want to help a person not change, get angry every time they sin. Blow up. Be volcanic. Explosive even. Dear... Continue Reading
Kenyan Archbishop says Western Anglicanism Seriously Compromised
Global South must take lead in Anglicanism to spread gospel, Wabukala calls for GAFCON 2 to meet in Nairobi later this year
“…in our modern context we need now to be thinking of mission beyond our borders. In the past we have been the recipients of missionary endeavor and we thank God for those who brought the gospel to this land, but now the sending nations of the West are in deep spiritual and moral crisis and... Continue Reading
Giving Up on Religion?
True religion establishes genuine relationships and healthy community
“I gave up my religion around the time I went to college, and tried not to think too much about it.” Many of us distance ourselves from religion. ‘Religion’ is a word that has become associated with repressive dogma, guilt-ridden duty, and all too common hypocrisy. It is not unusual to hear: “I’m into relationship,... Continue Reading
Why African Americans Need ‘Big God’ Theology
Only a "Big God" theology is sufficient to break individuals and communities from the grip of big problems, pointing them to Christ as their Savior
I do not advocate any form of theological imperialism—indeed Reformed theology has much to learn from the black church tradition. My passion is simply to see African Americans reshaped by a bigger vision of God. Only the God-centered gospel of the Bible has the power to renew individuals and whole communities. Reformed theology helps us... Continue Reading