The Elephant in Our Own Backyard
Doing a better job of stewarding the forum we are given with critical and sensitive issues
There are lots of sin bombs in life we could address, but it’s the one in your own backyard that has the greatest likelihood of wounding you or those to whom you are most obligated to advocate for. This is a bomb, planted firmly in the backyard of the house that is the young, restless,... Continue Reading
How the Smartphone Killed the Three-Day Weekend
The average smartphone user checks his or her device 150 times per day, or about once every six minutes
Besides driving each other crazy, we are also robbing our brains of critical downtime that encourages creative thinking when we skip weekends and vacations. At extreme levels of exhaustion, rest-deprived brains experience memory loss and hallucinations. But without regular rest, brains fail at more basic tasks…. taking breaks makes you more focused when you work.... Continue Reading
Motherland Mores
U.K. same-sex marriage vote coincides with a national decline in Christianity
Tuesday’s vote revealed a moral rift not only in Britain’s social fabric but also in Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservative Party. While Cameron supported the bill, 133 Conservatives did not. Their opposition wasn’t enough to derail the bill, which passed 366-161. It must still receive approval from the House of Lords, where a second reading... Continue Reading
Survey Being Conducted on PCA Solo and Assistant/Associate Pastors in Their First Call
Looking for pastors in their first call for a survey
The purpose is to learn about the day-to-day work of these pastors. Each gathering will consist of 9-11 pastors serving in churches between 100-200 members. The time will be spent in a group discussion about some of the unique aspects of solo and assistant/associate pastoral ministry in small churches. Joel Hathaway, Director of Alumni... Continue Reading
Notable Protestants Defend Marriage
At the start of May, Union University was graced with the presence of notable evangelical theologians who commented on the issues of homosexuality, marriage, the church, and society. Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore joined the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Robert Gagnon at Union’s conference, “Salt and Light in the Public Square: Charles Colson’s Legacy and Vision.”... Continue Reading
Gospel Music
An Open Letter
As we pen lyrics and select songs to sing for our services, let us ask the question of “Is the music used for worship a worthy vehicle to carry the weight of God’s glory?” Everything done from Creation to the return of our Savior has all been orchestrated to bring glory and honor to the... Continue Reading
Jesus Wants to Save Your Soul, Not Make Your Life Temporarily Better
Whether I follow Christ’s or Paul’s example, the spiritual redemption of man is still the primary emphasis. I do believe the church is to continue the ministry of Christ on earth for we are called “the body of Christ,” but this ministry is primarily spiritual and secondarily physical. Because of these truths, my primary goal... Continue Reading
Success or significance?
We have more than enough success stories to go around. What our world desperately needs is for you to live a significant life.
Far too many of us are engaged in the pursuit of happiness to the exclusion of the pursuit of significance. Our mission projects and trips should remind us of what life in the Kingdom is supposed to look like. It is less about us and more about others; focused not on what we want, but... Continue Reading
Princeton Seminary in American Religion and Culture
By James H. Moorhead
Until Moorhead’s volume, the only extended history of PTS was David Calhoun’s two-volume Princeton Seminary (1996). However, Calhoun’s superb work only covered Old Princeton, from its founding in 1812 until its reorganization in 1929. Moorhead’s work fills the gap by offering a history of the seminary in its entirety. His excellently researched volume has much... Continue Reading
Echoes of Eden
by Jerram Barrs
A review of Echoes of Eden might seem unnecessary when you consider two factors. First, it’s written by Jerram Barrs, founder of the Francis Schaeffer Institute at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Second, Tim Keller has identified the book as “the most accessible, readable, and theologically robust work on Christianity and the arts.”... Continue Reading