Reflections on the 2013 General Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
An assessment of the 2013 ARP Synod meeting
The 2013 meeting of General Synod was a very good one. I can safely say it was one of the best meetings of Synod that I have ever attended. Many good things are happening in the ARP Church, and theologically we are trending in the right direction. If we can overcome our mistakes, I expect... Continue Reading
The 41st PCA Assembly: Parliamentary “Proceduring” or Constitutional Compliance?
Following constitutional compliance not just Robert’s Rules of Order
After this year’s GA I’ve read some blogs and heard some conversations contending those who prevailed on several important matters related to judicial cases did so through less than admirable procedures. But I’m not persuaded that’s the case. In most instances, the important question involved constitutional compliance, not Robert’s Rules. Here are a few examples.... Continue Reading
Westminster Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, MS Rebuilds after Feb. 10 Tornado
Four months after an EF4 tornado tore through Hattiesburg, leaving the church battered and torn, it now is filled with the sounds of hammers, saws, cranes and construction workers
“The question is, ‘When you’re finished, will there be any money left or will you be out of money?’ It comes down to which gets finished first — the money or the building,” Ramp said. “We have $2.4 million in insurance and I believe it’s going to take every bit of that and probably even... Continue Reading
Anglican Church in North America Provincial Council and College of Bishops Meet, Hear Reports of Mission and Ministry
A report on the 2013 meeting of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)
Reports were also heard from the Rev. Canon Alan Hawkins, Vicar of Anglican 1000, the initiative that seeks to plant 1,000 new parishes in the first five-years of the Province’s existence; over 300 parishes have been planted since 2009 and the 1-2-3 Challenge seeks to build on that by using a variety of strategies. Reports... Continue Reading
Ryan Anderson’s Uphill Fight to Change Young Minds on Gay Marriage
Ryan Anderson has planted himself on arguably the most unpopular stance for his generation: opposing gay marriage
Together with Princeton Ph.D. candidate Sherif Girgis, George and Anderson released “What Is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defense,” a 150-page book that has become go-to material for conservatives looking to argue against gay marriage. The trio also wrote a similar article for the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. Ryan Anderson has planted... Continue Reading
Survey: College Graduates Unready for Work
Graduates that get employment opportunities are lacking the skills to impress and therefore to hold their employment
The issue to blame, according to one survey respondent, is the dependence on technology. The participant stated, “Younger people are so dependent on shortcuts through texting and other social media that they avoid proper grammar and interpersonal verbal skills that are necessary in the ‘working world.’” Another agreed stating, “(Students) can make computers and software... Continue Reading
The Insider Movement and the Word-Concept Fallacy
The love of God in Christ is a far more effective evangelism tool.
Why tell a Muslim something that we are just going to have to retract later on? … I do not believe it is helpful to start out by saying something that is grossly misleading at best, and heretical at worst. It is far better to tell them of the love of Jesus Christ, and to... Continue Reading
Catholics, Baptists Unite
Two largest U.S. religious organizations push for conscience protection law
Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, and Archbishop William Lori, chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ ad hoc committee for religious liberty, sent a joint letter to Congress on Friday urging lawmakers to pass the conscience protection legislation. “Both of our denominations value God’s gift of procreation,” Moore... Continue Reading
What is Sanctification?
God calls His children to holiness, and graciously gives what He commands.
Regeneration is a momentary act, bringing a person from spiritual death to life. It is exclusively God’s work. Sanctification is an ongoing process, dependent on God’s continuing action in the believer, and consisting of the believer’s continuous struggle against sin. God’s method of sanctification is neither activism (self-reliant activity) nor apathy (God-reliant passivity), but human... Continue Reading
The Episcopal Church and the New Morality
How pansexuality has affected the whole Anglican Communion
The irony should not be missed. The very gospel Western missionaries took to Africa, Asia and Latin America is now coming back to the West with an educated fervor for the Good News that even the Wesley’s could not match. It is darkest before the dawn, but the dawn we do know comes. We only... Continue Reading