Al Mohler’s Literal Six-Day Young-Earth Creationism and the State of the Question
At the end of the day, Mohler has not demonstrated that an old-earth, non-literal interpretation of Genesis 1 is theologically untenable.
It is not only possible but desirable that advocates of LSDYEC (Literal Six Day Young Earth Creationism), Day-Agers, Framework proponents, and Analogical Day advocates join together in their common affirmation of the full authority of Scripture and discuss the merits and problems of the various positions—without anathemas and ad hominem arguments, and with the recognition... Continue Reading
Reflections on the 2013 PCA General Assembly and the Age of the Earth
Some thoughts on the state of creationism in the PCA and on the seminar at the PCA General Assembly on young earth creation
My semi-educated guess is that there is a fairly even split between committed young earth and old earth proponents in the PCA. Now that doesn’t mean the PCA is split 50-50 on the issue. What I mean is that there is a strong core of committed young-earth-only proponents and a similar core of those convinced... Continue Reading
The PCA Insider Movement Report: Times Are Changing, and Staying Exactly the Same
The moment when the rubber of theological innovation meets the road of practical consequence often happens with missions policy
The recent General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America featured a brief, but heated argument about the seemingly inconsequential … issue of foreign missions. Particularly, whether to receive and approve the Majority Report of the Committee on Insider Movements or whether to receive, as well, the Minority Report, written by a single committee member.... Continue Reading
Worldview Clash and the Repeal of DOMA: The Supreme Court Decision on Marriage
The Supreme Court accelerated the advance of gay marriage in the US, and decided that defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman is unconstitutional
This decision is symptomatic of a disordered liberty, and another indication of how lost our Western world is becoming. But having said this, I am not hopeless. Nor should you be. Truth is truth. God’s moral law and order stand. There is an ordered liberty which is good. And Jesus Christ still sets people free!... Continue Reading
Ten Points to Understand Politics and Religion
Religion and politics don’t appear to mix, but they influence each other; can we make sense of how they work together?
America is no longer a melting pot. It is a boiling pot. When America was Christian, other Christians were invited to become a part of our nation. Other religions were tolerated as long as they conformed to our Christian laws. America has been religiously Balkanized. The fight for dominance is on. Everyone is religious. The... Continue Reading
Unjust Weights and the 41st PCA General Assembly
The principle of the use of unjust weights destroys trust in the church as it does in an economic system
Taking away PCA commissioners’ ability to debate and vote on issues in accordance with our RAO procedures destroys their trust in the underlying ecclesiastical system. Attempting to fix a vote’s outcome by changing voting order on the fly similarly erodes that same trust. Like unjust weights and balances, unjust political maneuvering should not be named... Continue Reading
A Rejoinder in the Discussion on ‘Parliamentary “Proceduring” or Constitutional Compliance?’
The continuing discussion on what the PCA BCO says on handling decisions of the Standing Judicial Commission
If the CCB member’s interpretation is correct, and CCB is allowed to review the merits of SJC decisions, then presumably any person who loses a decision at the SJC, or any losing Presbytery, could try to persuade one of the eight members of CCB to cite the SJC in the case, asking GA to remand... Continue Reading
Marriage as Established by God
From the beginning of time, God established marriage as a blessing for the human race
We have always been in this world but never of it. “Put no confidence in princes!” the Lord God commands our hearts. Just as our first Century brothers and sisters in Christ knew not to put their trust in silly Caesars who counted themselves as gods, so too we must learn not to put our... Continue Reading
Fourth of July Reflections on a Changing America
Patriotism is an issue for Christians because of our citizenship in two realms, one earthly and one heavenly
Christ is reigning over this year’s Fourth of July. The startling troubles before us are as much an opportunity as they are a threat, but only if Christians rise up to our calling as servants of a triumphant gospel in the midst of a sin-broken world. For Christians, the issue of patriotism is always... Continue Reading
PCA Pastor’s Permit Denial Inspires Independence Day Rally
PCA Pastor Robert Dekker intends to give a sermon on July 4 on the beach on Rehoboth Avenue
Dekker wrote back to City Hall on June 30 seeking a permit for the July 4 rally, saying he planned to “celebrate freedom on our nation’s birthday” with an event to include “music, prayer, testimony and preaching.” On Tuesday he got permission from Ferrese’s office for that one-time event. Ferrese did not return calls for... Continue Reading