Predators in the Pew
Protecting against Child Abuse in Your Church
If you pay any attention to the news, you know that sexual offenders show up in churches. Like predators hurting defenseless prey, they do unspeakably horrible things to our children. Much could be prevented, but many churches do not know how to protect their children and how to respond when child sex abuse happens. It... Continue Reading
Halfway between G.A. Meetings, PCUSA Presbyteries Approve of Everything except ‘Repentance of Sin’
The significance of what a denomination chooses to change and chooses not to change
Only amendment 12-B which sought to clarify the ordination standards of the denomination was voted down by majority of presbyteries in the PCUSA. The current language of the Book of Order says that the life of the ordained “should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world.” The amendment... Continue Reading
Blood on the Streets
Biola University becomes ground zero in the pro-life debate over graphic abortion pictures
Biola’s response to Jimenez is the latest instance of Christian colleges forbidding students from erecting graphic abortion displays. CBR head Gregg Cunningham says his group has shown the images at hundreds of secular public colleges–free speech laws allow that–but not at private Christian colleges. Cunningham argues that graphic images are crucial in teaching students what... Continue Reading
UPDATE: Christ PCA in Claremore, OK Destroyed by Fire
Major church fire battled in Tulsa area
Douglas said the cause of the fire was not immediately known. He said it may be awhile before investigators can determine the cause, because part of the building had collapsed and other parts were in danger of collapsing. He said no nearby buildings were in danger. Update: Church members assess damage following devastating fire [Editor’s... Continue Reading
OneTable, Many Theologies?
Fuller Theological Seminary opens its doors to LGBT student group
When the Associated Press published a story on the group last weekend, Fuller’s new president, Mark Labberton, issued a statement clarifying the seminary’s position against the homosexual lifestyle but ultimately supporting the group. His semi-approval makes Fuller the first evangelical seminary to support an LGBT campus group. Fuller Theological Seminary students Nick Palacios, Samantha... Continue Reading
What Nietzsche and Croly Tell Us About Progressives
Progressive elites not only know what is best but they will always use power to implement programs
Therefore, when a politician or religious person says that he or she is a “progressive” or attaches “progressive” as an adjective to their ideological and ecclesiastical commitments, you can predict what will follow: an aggressive series of programs designed to conform society to the most recent trending moral and social fad even though history has... Continue Reading
God Doesn’t Care What You Eat, He Cares How You Eat
Does God have a divinely inspired diet plan we should all be following? Are some foods more spiritual than others?
If a particular diet helps you lose weight, great! But, we Christians have a tendency to moralize our preferences and create artificial spirituality. If we say that God wants us to eat a particular food group we are on the verge of creating spiritual cliques in the church. The most godly people follow a particular... Continue Reading
The Problem with Sexual Compatibility
Sex was created for man, but man was not created for sex.
From the many conversations I’ve had with those who are happily married with healthy, God-honoring sex lives, I’ve learned that true sexual compatibility, if we must call it that, happens when two people commit themselves first to God, and then to each other. This covenant commitment affords an opportunity for a husband and wife to... Continue Reading
The Devastating Obamacare Tax On Low Income Workers At Large Firms
Three-quarters of the nation’s workforce works in large firms subject to the employer mandate (50 or more workers). The lion’s share of these workers are going to be subject to this Obamacare tax simply because they work at large firms. How is that possibly fair? Do you recall President Obama ever announcing that to bankroll his new... Continue Reading
How Should Christians View World History?
It’s because God is the Lord of history that right now counts forever
The most important part of this linear-progressive view of history is that, as the Bible says, the world had a beginning, and that at the beginning an action began, a movement guided by divine providence to an ultimate telos—a culmination of purpose, aim, or goal. This purpose or telos of history is both personal and cosmic. Every individual... Continue Reading