How to Be a Martyr’s Wife
Four Women from the Past Give Encouragement for the Future
When an assembly of judges accused John Bunyan of preaching heresy, Elizabeth courageously declared: “My lord, when the righteous Judge shall appear, it will be known that his doctrine is not the doctrine of the devil.” This same confidence in eternal vindication has characterized many godly women of the past. It must also characterize wives... Continue Reading
Jackson-born producer ‘Way, Way’ on his way
Vision leads Rice to develop star-studded film
Rice also worked as a writer on “American Idol” before creating a production company called Sycamore Pictures with his partner, Memphis resident Ben Nearn. “We ended up raising, roughly, a $50 million equity fund,” he said. “We have that at our discretion, and now we just find good projects.” “The Way, Way Back,” was one... Continue Reading
Ancient Aliens: I Don’t Want to Believe
For some it's easier to believe in ancient aliens than a God of miracles
Among some of Ancient Aliens’ claims: Ezekiel’s vision of a wheel was a UFO, taking communion is based on cannibalistic alien technology, aliens were behind Noah’s flood, Noah was the son of an alien, aliens gave Moses the Ten Commandments, angels are aliens, aliens destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, aliens gave John his Revelation, aliens, aliens,... Continue Reading
5 Ways To Be Unsatisfied With Your Church
There is no perfect church, and if you find one, don’t join it because you’ll ruin it.
Church is like marriage in a lot of ways. In the beginning it’s fun, and exciting, but eventually the honeymoon comes to an end and it’s work, real work, but we find that the work is rewarding and worthwhile, and it’s work that God meant for us to be doing. 1. Don’t participate, merely consume.... Continue Reading
Desmond Tutu Would Prefer Hell Over A Homophobic Heaven
South Africa’s iconic archbishop is clearly still fighting for equality despite his retirement, as he went on to relate the gay rights issue to his country’s tumultuous history, saying, “I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid. For me, it is at the same level.” Desmond Tutu denounced religions... Continue Reading
When Is a Royal Baby a Fetus?
What media coverage of the recent royal pregnancy and birth has to do with abortion politics.
But in a society that has moved to a stunning degree away from pro-choice identification and toward some form of pro-life conviction, it may also be that the American moral sense, short as its reach is, uncertain as its effects are, will, after much travail and division, shelter the babies that now spin, kick, and... Continue Reading
Military Censors Christian Chaplain, Atheists Call for Punishment
A chaplain has been censored for expressing his beliefs about the role of faith in the lives of service members
Lt. Col. Kenneth Reyes recently wrote an essay entitled, “No Atheists in Foxholes: Chaplains Gave All in World War II.”….When Reyes referenced this famous line in his essay, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) contacted the base commander, Col. Brian Duffy, demanding he take action on Reyes’s “anti-secular diatribe.” MRFF’s letter says that by Reyes’s... Continue Reading
San Antonio Looks to Penalize Bible Believers
Critics charge 'anti-bias' requirement would punish people with moral convictions
The new ordinance would state: “No person shall be appointed to a position if the city council finds that such person has, prior to such proposed appointment, engaged in discrimination or demonstrated a bias, by word or deed, against any person, group or organization on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual... Continue Reading
Confusion in the Camp: Merit and Reformed Theology
A discussion will be held on Republication on September 26, 2013 at First OPC in Portland, Oregon
“….the Republication Paradigm (i.e., the views of Kline and The Law Is Not of Faith) uses traditional language and concepts, but redefines them in the service of its own paradigm. Not only do these new definitions fail to harmonize with those contained in the Westminster Standards, they may lead to other systematic changes in our... Continue Reading
Book Review: Sam Storms, “Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative”
Many evangelicals need to be aware that there are "alternative positions" on the end times
Though most will doubtlessly disagree with at least a few of Storms conclusions (I doubt all readers will be convinced of his partial preterist interpretation of Matthew 24, for instance), it will be impossible to suggest any longer that amillennialism is built upon either a lesser view of the authority of Scripture in particular, or... Continue Reading