Could Keller Have Saved Detroit?
What the gospel does is not cultural but spiritual
Still, the woes of Detroit do put into perspective the hyperventilation that goes on in some neo-Calvinist circles when folks talk about the power of the gospel to redeem all of life. Cases like Detroit would certainly call for a bit of qualification to follow those inspirational claims since I am not sure that even... Continue Reading
The Back-to-School Memo I Really Need
“You are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is needful.”
Among the reams of paper my children will bring home in chubby fists over the next few days—forms requiring me to commit by tomorrow to whether I want to organize the Valentine’s Day party in February or the Easter party in March—among the memos about uniforms and the notices about carpool lane procedures, I wish... Continue Reading
When to Stay and When to Run
When opposition grows, do Christians stay or go?
This is one of the real difficult questions that Christians on the mission field and in hostile lands have faced throughout church history. To what lengths can we go—or should we go—to avoid persecution? Can we press charges or go to court or claim our rights? (Didn’t Paul claim his Roman citizenship?) When is it... Continue Reading
David Powlison Appointed New Executive Director of CCEF
After twelve years of service, six of these as our Executive Director, Dr. Tim Lane has resigned from CCEF. Dr. David Powlison has been appointed as CCEF’s new Executive Director. Dr. Powlison has been a leading voice in biblical counseling for nearly 30 years as an author, counselor, and professor. He has written numerous articles on counseling and ministry.... Continue Reading
Reflections on PCA General Assembly: Where Were All the Books?
Put simply, Reformed folks love to read. Or at least should.
So, then, why so few books? One might surmise that it is just a practical business matter that has never really been addressed (after all, this is not the first GA with few book tables). Or maybe it’s a chicken-or-egg sort of question. Are there few book tables because PCA folks do not buy them? ... Continue Reading
A Pilgrim People
“This world is not my home … I’m just a passin’ through.”
Standing there, I heard my preaching translated into their native Romanian language, and I marveled at what was happening. I felt a real kinship with them, a bond forged from nothing of this world. … We were all citizens of heaven, passing through this world in different geographies but with a profound union that resulted... Continue Reading
Things that Irritate Me
Of which I am foremost
Me. … Traffic Cameras. … Christian Businesses. … Kirk Cameron and His Bible. … Female Modesty. … Personalized Vows. Me. I am usually irritated with me. The reason, to use the language of The Book of Common Prayer, is that I have followed too much the devices and desires of my own heart, have left... Continue Reading
Who Raised These Millennials Anyway?
Boomers: Enough complaining about today’s generation.
Rather than holding this younger generation under a magnifying glass, I believe it is high time we boomers used that magnifying glass to take a closer look at ourselves. We are responsible for shaping the world in which this generation of young people must now live. We aren’t 100 percent to blame, of course. Like... Continue Reading
Is the Old Testament God a Moral Monster?
Interview with apologist Paul Copan about his new book
The response to the book has been remarkable. Several prominent blogs have highlighted it as “the best defense of Old Testament ethics.” Scot McKnight at has done a series on my book, and I continue to be interviewed on radio programs and by prominent bloggers. I am regularly speaking on this topic of Old Testament ethics—including... Continue Reading
The Pearl of Great Wisdom
The Deep & Abiding Biblical Roots of Western Liberal Education
The classical goals of education, eloquentia et sapientia, eloquence and wisdom, cannot be successfully realized without a persevering reference to the higher and integrative wisdom of Sacred Scripture. Today, I will suggest briefly at the end, we have found to our cost that the secular substitute, lacking transcendence, cannot ground and integrate the humanities. What... Continue Reading