As College Graduates Hit the Workforce, So Do More Entitlement-Minded Workers
Research conducted by the University of New Hampshire shows that members of Generation Y are more entitlement-minded than older workers
Entitlement is often thought of as a component of narcissism. Narcissists believe that they are worthy of a certain level of respect and rewards, and they are determined to get that level of respect and reward, no matter what. “A great source of frustration for people with a strong sense of entitlement is unmet expectations.... Continue Reading
The Paradox of Episcopal Pansexuality
Declining income, UTOgate, Islamic intrusion, recent court decision reversals reveal a church in free fall
Ironically, liberal and revisionist Episcopal dioceses are not reaping the rewards of their slavish capitulation to these behaviors. Gays and lesbians are not rushing in to fill the pews. Thousands of small parishes continue to die with the gay community blithely uninterested in all the heartfelt efforts to include them. More than a third of... Continue Reading
A Sure Hope for the Future
One of Paul’s great summaries of the Christian life: “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”
Paul and the other biblical authors talk about hope that is certain, hope that cannot fail, and hope that will never disappoint or embarrass you. The New Testament calls hope the anchor of the soul. Why? What is it that makes it certain? The answer is God’s sure promises and the demonstration of His faithfulness... Continue Reading
10 Tips on How to Write Less Badly
10 tips on scholarly nonfiction writing that might help people write less badly
The articles and books that will be read decades from now were written by men and women sitting at a desk and forcing themselves to translate profound ideas into words and then to let those words lead them to even more ideas. Writing can be magic, if you give yourself time, because you can produce... Continue Reading
Amazingly Condescending
It is truly amazing that our God has done everything for us in his merciful determination for a right relationship with his people
Our great God lovingly condescends. He has “come down to reveal himself to us” (70). Because of this, we have real knowledge of our Creator and Redeemer. In critiquing Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, Oliphint does agree that the finite mind cannot begin to raise itself to the infinite. But that doesn’t mean that the infinite cannot... Continue Reading
12 Ways Sin Helps us Understand the Bible
A deep sense of sin gives deep insights into the deep things of the Bible
Is there any greater help to interpreting and understanding the Bible than a deep sense of one’s own sin? 1. When I feel my sinfulness, I am much more motivated to search the Scriptures for grace to help in my time of need. 2. When I am convicted of my sin, I doubt my own... Continue Reading
How Should a Pastor Pray That Would Help Him Love His Wife?
Pastors, and all Christian men for that matter, if you battle selfishness as I do, you might do well to begin to pray something similar. The Lord is powerful and gracious enough to root out what is so deeply ingrained in so many of us. But we must cry out for help. I’m selfish. I’ve... Continue Reading
Don’t Segregate the Youth
Maybe young adults aren't actually leaving the church. Maybe they were never there to begin with.
Simply put, we do teens a disservice when we segregate them from the life of the church. When we build youth ministries that don’t fold students into the life of the congregation, the unintended consequence is a future of empty pews. Pew Research reports that 20- to 30-year-olds attend church at half the rate of their parents... Continue Reading
5 Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible
The better we know God’s Word, the better we will know His will for us
How exactly does the Bible—an ancient book written thousands of years ago—reveal God’s way to people today? There are several key questions we must ask, the answers to which reveal to us the way. Here they are: 1. Is there a command to obey? The Bible is filled with divine commands for you and me to... Continue Reading
Five Encouragements for Everyday Work
Most Christian ministry is not vocational
The Church, in all her glory, is vastly more lawyers, administrative assistants, doctors, construction workers, and mechanical engineers than she is vocational pastors and paid missionaries. So we do well to think carefully and Christianly about our everyday work. Here are five simple encouragements for the vast majority of Christians who labor vocationally outside the... Continue Reading