The Mission of Worship: An Assessment of the Missional Church Movement’s Impact Upon Evangelical Worship Philosophy and Practice
The missional church movement has significantly altered discourse about evangelism and worship
In the past twenty years a new movement has emerged in evangelical Christianity that has reshaped the conversation in subtle yet profound ways by suggesting that these two priorities of a church are not separate but in fact essentially connected, subsumed under the umbrella of the mission of God. This missional church movement has significantly... Continue Reading
PCUSA Presbytery Finds Teaching Elder Not Guilty of Violating Ordination Vows Following His Same-Gender Wedding
Presbyterian Church USA minister found not guilty by his Presbytery of violating his ordination vows for marrying his same-gender partner
“…Bill and I were wed a third time. This time it was a legal marriage, recognized by the state of Connecticut and officiated by two faithful Christian ministers. And it was Presbyterian. The liturgy was Presbyterian. The witnesses were Presbyterian. The two grooms were Presbyterian (Bill became a new member and deacon of our church... Continue Reading
A Transformed Community
A quick guide to corporate maturity.
You can’t think of the Christian life in purely individualistic terms. We are part of a new family and that family is to nurture one another as we all grow up into the likeness of our elder brother, Jesus. Hebrews states explicitly that this kind of growth happens in the context of redemptive, mutually edifying... Continue Reading
Who Was C.S. Lewis?
A recount of Lewis' life.
C.S. Lewis was a twentieth-century novelist, Christian apologist, and lay theologian. (November 22) marks the 50th anniversary of his death. You can find more resources on C.S. Lewis here. November 22, 1963, the date of President Kennedy’s assassination, was also the day C.S. Lewis died. Seven years earlier he had thus described death: “The term is over: the holidays have begun.... Continue Reading
If the Top Men Take Over, Who Will Ask The Hard Questions?
Trueman defends Mefferd's right and responsibility to ask the tough questions.
The Mefferd-Driscoll controversy points to another aspect of celebrity culture: celebrities are routinely allowed to behave in ways which would not be tolerated in ordinary mortals. For example, being drunk on the job and hurling abuse at an employer would make one unemployable in the real world. The controversy surrounding Janet Mefferd’s interview of... Continue Reading
Review: John Piper’s Five Points
Challies reviews Piper's book on Calvinism.
One of Piper’s great strengths in representing and defending Calvinistic theology has been in not merely defending this doctrine, but in making it lead to wonder and to worship. “My experience is that clear knowledge of God from the Bible is the kindling that sustains the fires of affection for God. And probably the most... Continue Reading
Court Strikes Clergy Tax-Free Housing Allowances
Family Research Council called the judgment "supreme arrogance."
However, Anthony Bradley, associate professor of theology at The King’s College in New York City and a research fellow at the Acton Institute, said he is “highly in favor of” striking this down in the 1954 legislation. “I know lots of guys pulling six figures as pastors who benefit hugely from this, then, there are... Continue Reading
In Defense Of Special Tax Treatment For Clergy
A federal judge in Wisconsin has struck down a law that exempts clergy members from paying income taxes on housing allowance
Ministers are allowed to exclude the portion of their compensation designated as a housing allowance from their taxable income. Quite a few people question the constitutionality of this provision and it looks like it may be finally put to the test. A federal district court has ruled that the Freedom From Religion Foundation has standing... Continue Reading
Liberal Evangelicals Are Waging A War On Women – And No One Is Noticing
Liberal evangelicals are attempting to “liberate” women from their “oppressed” place in society: the home, and church
It is tragic that women have been abused by men maliciously twisting Bible verses and Old Testament laws in order to elevate themselves and assuage their own feelings of inferiority. But just as sexism has infiltrated churches, so have adultery, greed, pride, gluttony, materialism, homosexuality, and murder. Welcome to the Fallen World. This is not... Continue Reading
The Heart of the Matter
What should the purpose and goal of discipline be? A response to the Pearls' book, To Train Up a Child
My concern is with the attitude the Pearls seem to have towards children. While I certainly agree that children need to learn that the universe doesn’t revolve around them, the universe also doesn’t revolve around the parents. According to the Pearls, a three month old child who cries when you walk away is attempting to... Continue Reading