Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013
The man who reconciled a divided South Africa dies at age 95
Spinney noted that Mandela, post-prison, was a peacemaker: “Whatever his youthful allegiances, post-1990 he prevented blacks from going violent. He was not vindictive; he sought and obtained reconciliation with whites. The people who really benefited from Nelson Mandela’s leadership were white South Africans. Rather than being driven out of South Africa by justifiably angry blacks,... Continue Reading
PCUSA’s Covenant Network Marriage ‘Adaptation’ Tilts the Table
Covenant Network within the Presbyterian Church USA pushing the 2014 PCUSA General Assembly to take the next step in sexual revisionism: the redefinition of Christian marriage
Same-sex advocates can assert that Jesus never said anything directly about homosexuality — it was not a topic of debate among Jews of His time — however, they cannot claim that Jesus never addressed marriage. Nor can they deny that the theme of marriage as the two created sexes “becoming one flesh,” imaging the union... Continue Reading
Plagiarism, Personality-Driven Leadership, and the Problem With Evangelicalism
The recent dust-up within evangelical circles over accusations of plagiarism highlights one of the problems with the personality-based leadership that encompasses most of American evangelicalism
Because of the personality-driven leadership inherent in contemporary evangelicalism, the tribalism it nurtures, and the reality that most of American evangelicalism subsists in some variation of the free church tradition, the final outcome of this story is clear. There is no authority that can adjudicate this matter other than the authority upon which both Driscoll and Mefferd... Continue Reading
A Hidden Assumption in the Paedo-Communion Position
Paedo-communion is contrary to the system of doctrine taught in the Westminster Confession and strikes at the vitals of religion
What effect will that have on the young child who cannot yet participate? Well, he will have the gospel preached to him such that conversion might happen. Further than that, he will learn about the Lord’s Supper. Both of these things should help create a longing for that communion. This creation of a longing for... Continue Reading
Things Christians Struggle With – Part 3: Finances
There is no evidence that the debt of professing Christians is little different from the general populace
How Christians handle their finances is not the only way they bring glory to God before a watching world, and demonstrate their sanctification. But it is an important aspect of both. Therefore, the body of Christ needs to be diligent in pursuing excellence in this area. As Christ told His followers, “For where your treasure... Continue Reading
A Miracle or Coincidence
Every now and then, unforeseen and special things happen and fill us with wonderment
WOW! I’m looking for one person in the world, not sure how to get in touch with him, and a friend writes and says out of the blue, Oh, by the way, I just had lunch with this man. What are the odds of that? And to make the story even sweeter, it turns out... Continue Reading
Race, Homosexuality and Historical Confusion
The comparison between homosexuality and slavery falls short.
This supposed parallel between Christians in the past using the Bible to justify slavery and the contemporary Church using Scripture to condemn homosexuality is both misleading and confused in its account of church history. Historically, there is no connection between Christian attitudes towards slavery and homosexuality. One approach of gay-affirming scholarship has been to... Continue Reading
Cultivating a Christian Memory
Celebrating Advent reminds us that our Christianity transcends national borders and our place in history.
As Christians, when we participate in the various seasons of the church calendar, we are reminded that we are presently connected to Christians all over the world and with brothers and sisters in Christ over the past 2000 years. This rhythm and memory is bigger than any national holiday. It transcends nationalism. When you... Continue Reading
United States Faces Demographic Bomb, Coming Underpopulation Problems
A low birth rate in the U.S. will lead to more economic stagnation just as it has in Europe.
There is no baby-boom – there is a birth-dearth. And, yes, there is economic stagnation and looming long-term economic decline, but this is exacerbated (or perhaps caused by) the decline in birth rates. We have witnessed this in the disastrous economic situation throughout Europe, which is due in part to extremely low birth rates. Europe’s fate appears increasingly... Continue Reading
Why “Where Are All the Good Men?” Rants Need to Stop
The complementarian model needs to be re-examined, not the men who are trying to live up to that model.
Similarly, instead of recognizing that there are problems with the popular complementarian model, especially among men, complementarians are buckling down and becoming more demanding on the men that are sticking around. Eventually the men will jettison it altogether (and I can’t imagine women living in this state of bitterness too long before they tire of... Continue Reading