Season for the Reason
Christians should avail themselves of the opportunity we have with Christmas to share the gospel.
Certainly, we want to keep Christ in the gospel as the reason for the season. But we also want to avail ourselves of the season to speak with others about why the eternal Son of God became incarnate. We want to use the season to give the reason for the hope that is in us.... Continue Reading
Rob Bell Has Left The Church For A “Quasi-Intentional Spiritual Community”?
While there is disagreement over the definition of “evangelical” with complex issues, there are foundational points of identity
In fact by the time Bell and Schuller were winding up their ministries, they were not recognized as evangelical by many who remain committed to the authority of scripture, the necessity of personal conversion, and the great commission mandate. In short, countless evangelicals did not recognize them as evangelical. Yes, evangelicalism is in a numeric... Continue Reading
Areopagitica: Freedom of the Press and Christian Journalism
The freer the press, the less the innocent have to fear and the more the guilty need to be worried.
That is why the health of the Christian subcultures in our society depends to an important extent upon the freedom of the Christian press; and that in turn depends upon having plenty of public voices and different groups presenting their different perspectives without the threat of being silenced by those with power and money. ... Continue Reading
Bible Secrets Revealed?: A Response to the New History Channel Series (Part 3)
The newest episode, “The Forbidden Scriptures,” is designed to argue that certain books were “banned” or “forbidden” from the New Testament.
In the end, we are again left with a very disappointing episode. Yes, it was entertaining. It was certainly provocative. Unfortunately, it is simply not not historically accurate. For a History Channel production, that proves to be sadly ironic. This is the third installment of a new series reviewing the History Channel series entitled Bible... Continue Reading
Nelson Mandela and the Ironies of History
Nelson Mandela was essential to his nation and to the eradication of apartheid. But no man’s life is heroic in every respect, and no human hero can save.
American Christians looking at Nelson Mandela must eagerly affirm that we are thankful that he was used in order to achieve freedom and human dignity for his people. But perhaps we should also be thankful that we know a little bit more of the story so that he is not merely held up as a... Continue Reading
An Unhelpful Description of Sanctification
Sanctification is not “getting back to the reality of our justification.”
I don’t want to throw Tchividjian under the bus here. I haven’t read anything else he’s written and I don’t follow his ministry at all. Maybe he’s clarified this elsewhere. I just wanted to point this out, echoing what Mark Jones said in Antinomianism (p. 111-121), that we should be careful when speaking about biblical truths and doctrines. ... Continue Reading
The ACLU Bids to Make a Beginning of the End of Religious Health Care
The ACLU has filed a lawsuit which would require Catholic hospitals to perform abortions.
What makes the case especially scary (and telling), is the clear attempt to tie religious doctrine to legal harm. Rather than suing the hospital, the ACLU is suing the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for their directives to Catholic health providers that prescribe medical care according to religious principles. As America’s first ever two term... Continue Reading
Ingrid Schlueter Resigns From Janet Mefferd Show Over Mark Driscoll Plagiarism Controversy
The controversy continues
I hosted a radio show for 23 years and know from experience how Big Publishing protects its celebrities. Anything but fawning adulation for those who come on your show (a gift of free air time for the author/publisher by the way) is not taken well. Like Dr. Carl Trueman so aptly asked yesterday in his... Continue Reading
Christian Christmas Grinches
I have no problem with anyone who chooses to jump off the super-sized, industrial-strength Christmas bandwagon. Just don’t be censorious about it.
There is a time for fasting in the Christian life and a time for feasting. The Old Testament teaches us that. And so does Jesus. If Western Christianity is selfish and bloated, let us be the first to say so and the first to show a more excellent way. But let us be the last... Continue Reading
The Real Meaning of Christmas
One of the most remarkable stories of Christmas comes from one of the darkest moments of modern history
Events like the Christmas Truce are worth celebrating. But they lack something. They lack permanence. Such impermanent peace is what we often find in our quest for the real meaning of Christmas. If we are looking for permanent and ultimate goodwill, love, and peace, we must look beyond our gift-giving, get-togethers, and office parties. We... Continue Reading