Where Were the PCA’s Founding Fathers Educated?
From a list of 180 pastors, as found in the Minutes of the First General Assembly, the following list indicates where these men were educated
By comparing some of the above dates, it becomes clear that as soon as RTS opened up [Fall of 1966], students soon began going there instead of to Columbia. Some appear to have finished at Columbia rather than transfer, while others did transfer mid-program. It may also be noteworthy that the entire group of RTS... Continue Reading
Hans Kung’s Suicide Plan
Hans Kung is planning to take his life
The analogy between birth and death seems entirely inappropriate to the case Kung is trying to make. His birth, after all, was no more his responsibility than my birth was mine. That is not just basic Christian teaching; it is a really rather obvious fact of life. Hans Kung is planning to take his... Continue Reading
Welcome Same-Sex Couples Or Be Damned As Bigots, Archbishop Of Canterbury Justin Welby Tells
The Church of England's stance on same-sex relationships risks being viewed as “akin to racism”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned.
“There is great fear among some, here and round the world, that that will lead to the betrayal of our traditions, to the denial of the authority of scripture, to apostasy, not to use too strong a word,” he said. “And there is also a great fear that our decisions will lead us to the... Continue Reading
United with the Risen Jesus
From our union with Christ we receive both justification and sanctification
Just what is it to be united with Jesus Christ?….Of course, we’ll experience that as we worship him in heaven forever. Of course, then we will grasp everything much more clearly than we do now. But if our holiness is not just perfect then, but has a true beginning now, and if for everyone of... Continue Reading
Annual Reformed Congregational Fellowship Pastors’ Conference
The conference will be March 25-27, 2014 at the Wonderland Conference Center, Sharon, MA
The Church has been entrusted with a treasure and a task. The treasure: the truth that a necessary saving righteousness has been supplied by a gracious God; the task: to get the word out that the treasure is found in the person of Christ. When the Church is faithful to this sacred trust it is... Continue Reading
Longtime Columbia International University Professor Bill Larkin Called Home to Glory
Dr. Larkin passed away on Feb. 18, 2014 following a battle with cancer
Dr. Larkin taught for 38 years at CIU until his retirement in 2013. His life included a long list of accomplishments. He was a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America for most of his ministry, but joined the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) in June 2013. Longtime Columbia International University professor Dr. Bill Larkin... Continue Reading
Update: Board’s Statement on Montreat College in North Carolina Facing Possible Closure
The Board of Trustees is meeting soon to consider closing Montreat College by June 30, 2014
The Montreat College Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 to consider the future of the College. As the article below reports, many alumni and supporters urged the Board to keep Montreat College in North Carolina and to continue its educational mission. After the meeting the Board issued a statement. Update: The Montreat... Continue Reading
What a Pretty Dress: Second Thoughts for Sundays
How do you talk to the children in your church?
I think my comments on dresses and bows were also motivated by laziness. I wanted to reach out to the little ones on the Sunday school hall, but I didn’t make it a priority truly engage them. Walking past them with a momentary “So cute!” was a way to appease my conscience that I had... Continue Reading
Lying, Coercing, Manipulating, Defrauding, And Scheming — For Marriage Equality!
Did you hear about the infamous gay bashing birthday party RSVP from last week? It was fake.
This incident happens only a couple of months after a lesbian waitress in New Jersey took to the internet to complain about an anti-gay note left on a receipt. The note said: “I’m sorry but I cannot tip because I do not agree with your lifestyle.” In the surprise twist ending that was neither surprising nor twisty, it... Continue Reading
Following Up on Forgiveness
True forgiveness can only happen when there is true repentance
On an emotional level, the idea of conditional forgiveness doesn’t sound right. It sounds like we can be bitter toward those who hurt us. It sounds like we should hold on to our pain. It sounds like we shouldn’t release our offenses to God unless our offender comes to us and repents. These would be... Continue Reading