Divine Simplicity and the Death of All Other Gods
There can only be one God that is the source of all things: the God of scripture—the Great I Am.
In his book ‘None Greater’, Matthew Barret tells us that God is not a mere instance of divinity. He does not measure up to some standard of divinity that exists apart from him. This is not so for us humans and our human-ness. There is a category of being called human, and you and I... Continue Reading
A Century After Hubble’s Discovery, Our Neighbor Galaxies Suggest a Creator’s Mind
His discoveries and the wonder that they evoke, have prompted others to reconsider “the God hypothesis.”
According to George Ellis, one of the world’s leading cosmologists, is that the multiverse hypothesis is itself a metaphysical explanation that cannot be tested. As he writes in “Cosmology: The Untestable Multiverse,” “The multiverse argument is a well-founded philosophical proposal but, as it cannot be tested, it does not belong fully in the scientific fold.”... Continue Reading
What Is the Meaning of Pain?
The opioid crisis underlines the scale of our challenge.
“Health is not the absence of disease.” It cannot be identified as the total absence of pain either. As those who exist in a fallen world, the frailty of the body and mind will never be completely cured on this side of eternity. Pain reminds image-bearers that their embodied selves are made for more than... Continue Reading
Where Hope Comes From
Hope is a strong preservative against the power and force of temptations. It guards the main part of a Christian, and keeps resolutions after God untouched and unmaimed.
Now, my beloved, would you know the fountain and origin of these sweet and pleasant streams? It is the God of hope, and the power of the Holy Ghost. There is no doubt of power in God, to make us happy and give us peace. God is the chief object of hope, and the chief... Continue Reading
How Can Christ Be the Redeemer and the World So Unredeemed?
Satan has been defeated, but not destroyed.
Sanctification is the result of loving Jesus more than I love sin. Godliness is not behavior modification, but heart transformation. I cannot take three steps to overcome lust forever next Thursday at 3 PM and be forever, sexually pure. The problem is my heart desires, which are not easily changed. Channeling and protecting the desires... Continue Reading
Resolutions for Whose Glory?
Prior to setting resolutions for the New Year, take the time to read through the resolutions of Edwards and Mather.
In his thirteenth resolution, Mather states, “When the children are of a fit age for it, I will sometimes closet them; have them with me alone; talk with them about the state of their souls; their experiences, their proficiencies, their temptations; obtain their declared consent unto every jot and tittle of the gospel; and then... Continue Reading
A People Who Were Once Not
Prophecy of Israel applied to the Gentiles (Romans 9:24–26).
After looking at the various approaches, it seems the best way to understand Paul is that he finds the prophetic fulfillment of Hosea’s words in the church. This view makes the best sense in light of the broader context of Romans 9:24-29. Paul is citing the Old Testament demonstrating that the prophetic promises find their fulfillment... Continue Reading
Being Hated and Hating Others
To claim to know God’s love while refusing to let go of hatred betrays that we have not yet experiences the mercy and love of the Savior.
As we travel on life’s journey as believers in Jesus Christ, we learn more and more about what God’s love for us means. We increasingly understand what God has done for us through His love in Jesus. The temptation to hatred radically lessens, even if much pain still remains, as we realize more clearly the... Continue Reading
Joy Banishes Burnout
How pastors finish well.
When you read Deuteronomy 33:27 — “The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms” — you find a solid foundation for security. Our identity in him takes away the shame that society, with its competitive ethos, inflicts upon us. For “those who look to him [daily] are radiant, and their... Continue Reading
Against the Communion of Rome on the Worship of Images
They who make images divide Christ’s two, inseparable natures in the minds of men, who are trained by images to think of a fantasy of his human nature, and not that eminent return which shall consummate our salvation.
If Christ is “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature” (Heb. 1:3), and if it is absolutely impermissible to portray God, as Rome herself says in Catechism 2129, then how can it be right to portray him who is the image and revelation of God? For if the... Continue Reading
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