Gospel-Fueled, Spirit-Wrought Gumption
Let the gospel propel you and may the Spirit empower you.
As Christians, we work with a gospel-fueled, Spirit wrought gumption. This is a move-forward attitude that trusts in the grace of God alone. This is a diligent working that is prayerful and trusting in the Spirit of God for the accomplishing of all things. I’m convinced that this mindset in our labor will produce the... Continue Reading
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy: The Introduction
Let us take the opportunity to rejoice in the deepening of our own conviction about God’s Book that our lives might be continually conformed to it.
Though inerrancy does have a major consequence on one’s sanctification, the Committee is not contending that belief in inerrancy makes a perfect Christian. The Committee “gladly acknowledges that many who deny the inerrancy of Scripture do not display the consequences of this denial in the rest of their belief and behavior.” Moreover, they are equally... Continue Reading
Five Paradoxes of Preaching (Stott)
The fifth paradox is thoughtful and passionate, by which we mean that in all authentic preaching the mind and the emotions are both engaged; clear thinking and deep feeling are combined.
How can anybody preach the gospel of Christ crucified and not feel moved by it? Other preachers are all fire and no light. They rant and rave in the pulpit. They work themselves up into a frenzy like the prophets of Baal. Every sermon is one long, fervent, even interminable appeal. But the people are... Continue Reading
But What If We Win?
Commentary on John Davenport
What is clear from Davenport is that a Christian commonwealth is one of coordinate states wherein rulers fulfill Isaiah 49:23 by helping, nourishing, and protecting the true religion, the true church. None of this implies a dependence of Christ’s objective preeminence on any earthly powers—get that out of your head! It is a matter of... Continue Reading
Not Whether, but Which
On the civilizational nature of the confessional Christian College.
The question is not whether a college or university should be civilizational, but rather which sort of civilization it ought to cultivate and how that project can be pursued most effectively. Although the cultural fragmentation of our age has rendered these questions highly contested within the secular academy, the answers are far more straightforward in... Continue Reading
A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook
A letter to Reverend Jeremy Belknap, of Boston.
However great the benefits of reading the scriptures in schools have been, I cannot help remarking, that these benefits might be much greater, did schoolmasters take more pains to explain them to their scholars. Did they demonstrate the divine original of the Bible from the purity, consistency, and benevolence of its doctrines and precepts—did they... Continue Reading
Where Are We Going and Where Have We Been?
Understanding the deep relationship between sexuality and spirituality helps us as we interact not only with ideas but with human beings in our own culture.
The LGBTQ agenda has become the new orthodoxy of woke culture. Anyone who even questions it is declared a heretic and cast from society for blasphemy. In this cultural setting we can expect resistance to and eventually persecution of those who hold to biblical orthodoxy. This agenda is new in recent Western history, so it... Continue Reading
Mainline Slide
The push to accept homosexuality gutted traditional Protestantism. Evangelical churches are headed down the same road.
Evangelical support of same-sex marriage is on the rise. Among white evangelical Protestants, it rose from 11 percent in 2004 to 29 percent in 2019, according to the Pew survey. It also found that 4 in 10 of those who attend religious services once a week now favor same-sex marriage. Stanley’s public statements that conflict with... Continue Reading
WCF 7: Of God’s Covenant with Man
Scripture’s two testaments reveal a single gracious covenant with two different forms of administration.
The covenant of works was a completely generous arrangement. But our first parents violated that covenant (cf. Heb. 8:9). Having broken it they could not regain life through the principle of works. And God was in no way bound to offer another arrangement for salvation. But he did. The covenant of grace is an entirely different agreement.... Continue Reading
Monuments To Wrongness
Have you ever said something and then changed your mind after further consideration?
If only we could move away from this graceless fear of reprisal, we might have more monuments to our wrongness. If we have more of those monuments, we might have more room for growth. Just as I don’t think it is helpful to whitewash our past by destroying our actual monuments, but feel it better... Continue Reading
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