All My Sins Are Washed Away
The glory of expiation.
In Colossians 2:12, the picture of burial reappears again. We rightly sing, “Buried, he carried my sins far away.” Glorious day! Jesus took our sin to the grave and left it there. Buried forever. Gone and never to return. This is the glory of expiation. The small things in life often bring the most... Continue Reading
What Happened to the Family of Jesus?
How the relatives of Jesus led the earliest church.
According to the Gospel books, Jesus had sisters (Mark 6:3; Matt 13:56). “Of the names which later tradition gives to sisters of Jesus,” Bauckham explains, “the best attested are Mary and Salome” (Relatives, 8). It is possible that he had more sisters, but these are the two whose names we can be reasonably sure of.... Continue Reading
The Theological Errors of the Federal Vision
A summary list.
All of these points are developed within the body of our report. The committee believes that the following points that are held by one or more advocates of the FV are out of accord with Scripture and our doctrinal standards. Much has been written about the Federal Vision movement in America. It goes way back... Continue Reading
Like the Doubting Disciples
We are in good company as we struggle and press on toward the Lord who loves us, keeps us, and provides for us.
Imagine, even though the disciples are with Jesus, even though they have seen him miraculously provide food, even though they know better, the disciples still worry about simple provision. How like them are we? Mark 8:4 And his disciples answered him, “How can one feed these people with bread here in this desolate place?”... Continue Reading
Scripture in Writing and Speaking
The use of Scripture in forming and applying a Christian worldview in writing and speaking.
All our ideas should conform to a biblical worldview, whether we cite or allude to the Bible or not. Paul speaks of “taking every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) and that we should be “transformed through the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:20). Our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to love God... Continue Reading
Love Undeterred
We shall be saved from wrath through him.
Nehemiah goes on to describe God’s dealings with a stiff-necked and rebellious people. But where he ends the tug of war is not with their sin but with God’s steadfast love rooted in His unchanging character. “Nevertheless in Your great mercy You did not utterly consume them nor forsake them; for You are God, gracious... Continue Reading
Today’s Quick Word – 2 Kings 25:29-30
God’s sovereign rule.
O that we all in the Western world, from the grass roots to those in authority, would learn this lesson today, and that our sovereign God’s Holy Spirit would move among us in power, bringing us all to our knees before him as we wait for Christ’s Return. 2 Kings 25:29-30 So Jehoiachin put... Continue Reading
Four Guiding Principles to Reading the Bible Well
Scripture points to Jesus.
God sovereignly ordains events in history to speak to his people concerning his plans. We, therefore, read the historical and prophetic narratives of scripture with an eye on the fact that God was orchestrating these historical events to point to future events or to function as examples to his future people. We, therefore, must understand... Continue Reading
God Is with Us, Fear Not
God, Immanuel, is with us even to the end of the age.
The God of the Mess. Think of the “of” in that statement. It’s a possessive. This is God’s mess. Joseph and Mary are in this mess because God put them in it. What is more, it appears that no one bothered to let Joseph know about this situation until Mary was “found to be with... Continue Reading
God’s Redemptive Stone
The New Testament Book of Hebrews can be seen to function as the Rosetta Stone of the Bible.
The theme of Hebrews is the legitimacy and sufficiency of Jesus as the Christ, the only hope of salvation. To drive this home, the writer begins by showcasing Jesus as the Son of God, the agent of creation and of redemption. From there, he will explain Jesus as better than the angels, better than human... Continue Reading
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