Local Evangelism and Global Mission: Maintaining Focus on the Ends of the Earth
Let us not deprive our churches of a rich opportunity to be encouraged by and become a part of the work God is doing to the ends of the earth.
From the earliest days, local churches have demonstrated concern for the establishment and edification of God’s kingdom beyond their immediate proximity. The Ephesians and Colossians were renowned for their love for all the saints (Eph 1:15; Col 1:4); the Philippians’ koinonia in the gospel was praised and celebrated by Paul (Php 1:5); the generosity of... Continue Reading
Women and the “Most Diabolical Lie”
As women, we are to bring life into every corner of our homes and work for its flourishing.
Probably the most wicked lie of all is that children stand in the way of a woman’s purpose and self-satisfaction. There is no doubt that our culture holds children in derision, for they are literally sacrificed through abortion in the name of self-advancement. Children bear the brunt of “progressive ideas” that disrupt the pattern that... Continue Reading
One of the Toughest Ministry Lessons I’ve Had to Learn . . . and Why I Love Having Learned It Today
None of us is as strong a leader as we think, and not one of us is effective in ministry apart from His power.
I live in the tension of wanting to give my best for God’s work while not worrying about whether others recognize my best. My goal ought to be that only the name of Jesus gets glory before, during, and after I’m in my current seat of ministry. So, the work goes on, even beyond us,... Continue Reading
Mission in the 21st Century: When It’s for God’s Glory…and When It Isn’t
If mission is ultimately about the glory of God, we will think carefully about what we do and how we do it.
If our desire in mission is to bring glory to God, what we do and how we do it must be God-glorifying. Mission as listening has lots of useful things to teach us–but God is not glorified if we only listen and never proclaim the gospel. Similarly, mission as growth has lots of useful things... Continue Reading
God’s Blueprint for His Mission
Churches are to use the ordinary means of grace in the ingathering and upbuilding of saints.
If we are to do well at church planting, denominations, presbyteries, synods, or networks will be needed for spiritual, prayerful, and financial support. When Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70, God’s plan continued to be revealed. Christians fled Judea. The temple could no longer be the focal point of assembly. The church was decentralized, and this... Continue Reading
The Mission of God as the Grounds of Church Planting
In one sense, the church’s mission is simply to claim the prize that the Lord Jesus has already won.
Having accomplished His mission, Christ has been awarded all authority in heaven and on earth. He has authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom the Father gave to Him (John 17:2). He will build His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18). The ordinary ministry of... Continue Reading
The Methodist Sexual Revolution
A rapidly declining denomination jumps into the worldly abyss.
Delegates have already overturned the legislation of the 2019 General Conference. Now, in the coming week, they’ll roll back decades of United Methodist policies on sexuality and centuries of historic Christian teaching. Progressives are also successfully rolling back longstanding language on “respect” for the “unborn child” and “promoting the diminishment of high abortion rates.” Understandably, progressives... Continue Reading
Petitioning the Magistrate
A response to T. David Gordon’s protest of the PCA transgender surgery petition.
The 1647 Confession affirmed that “magistrates may lawfully call a synod of ministers, and other fit persons, to consult and advise with, about matters of religion” (WCF 31.2 [1647]), and the magistrate may be present at such synods “to provide that whatsoever is transacted in them be according to the mind of God” (WCF 23.3... Continue Reading
The Great Man and the Local Church
The true story happens when the church gathers as God’s local community here and there, near and far, week by week.
If the ordinary believers in your church and mine were to stop mentoring the people they see each and every Sunday, the church would be devastated. The most crucial work of ministry has little to do with “out there” in the wider Christian world and everything to do with “in here” in the local church.... Continue Reading
Is Your Church Slow Enough?
The Church isn’t in a hurry. Neither should Christians be.
The typical question immediately after you’ve preached is a good starting point, it’s good that people have them, but the questions I really love are the ones that have nothing to do with what I was talking about. That means it’s sat with someone as they’ve thought about it over some time. Last Sunday (as... Continue Reading
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