Why “Proverbs Aren’t Promises” Is Misleading
The promises of Proverbs typically involve blessings or curses for those who keep or reject the covenant stipulations to know the Lord and walk in his wisdom.
Promises and commands all have a context. Just as Jeremiah 29:11 was a promise with a context (not modern-day graduates, but ancient Israelites in exile), so also proverbs have a context, a specific situation at which they are aimed. And instead of seeing proverbs as “general” or “broad” statements, we need to see them for what they... Continue Reading
Every Thought Captive
Every century has a story to tell about Christ’s faithfulness to His promise, even those centuries that are perhaps less well known to us than others.
Rome was not built in a day, and neither was the confessional, Reformed, Protestant church. The faithful men and women of the seventeenth century continued the work of the sixteenth-century Reformers by bringing every doctrine, every practice, and every thought captive to the Word of God. In our day, many Christians have a view... Continue Reading
Taking God in Vain
This commandment encompasses much more than refraining from using God's name profanely; it involves a reverence for everything that represents God, including His titles.
The titles of God are not mere labels; they are revelations of His nature, declarations of His character, and signposts for His authority. Taking God’s titles in vain means taking His name in vain and taking Him in vain. Using them in a way that diminishes their significance, misrepresents His nature, or treats them lightly... Continue Reading
What is Spiritual A.I.D.S.?
“Acquired Ignorance of the Doctrines of Scripture”
While many churches are replacing the teaching of the word of God with other “spiritual tools” and “spiritual disciplines,” the knowledge and understanding of the actual word of God is receding to the background in the information base of many Christians. This sad phenomenon has reached “crisis status” in our opinion. However, as far as... Continue Reading
Creation: God’s Image and Human Identity
Five things about what it means to be human.
Only God can tell you who you really are. It is difficult to ascertain what it means to be human. But our identity and function are tied to our being created in God’s image, as male and female. God made us finite, bound by space and time to live in community and care for creation.... Continue Reading
We have Shallow Communities
Why is our faith shallow? Part II
In the modern west the sort of thick community, that which would allow us to witness each others’ Christians lives lived up close, is often unattractive to us. It requires us to give up some of our rights for the benefits of others. It requires us to privilege particular individuals (rather than a vague ‘everyone’... Continue Reading
Spiritual Warfare: The Same God that Brings Peace Calls Us to Fight Sin
Faith Must Fight to Ignite
You are not in this battle alone. God told Joshua, “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Jos.1:9). We must be like Joshua, strong and courageous: There are battles ahead, but there is no victory without warfare —... Continue Reading
How Is Jesus the Bread of Life?
When Jesus fed the five thousand, He was reenacting what God had done in the days of Moses to show that He is the Lord who provides.
In John 6, the Jews demanded that Jesus prove Himself by performing a miracle like Moses had performed in giving their fathers manna. Jesus corrected them, explaining that it was not Moses, but His Father who gave them the manna. He further explained that He is Himself the manna or bread from heaven that would nourish... Continue Reading
Kingdom Living: The Beatitudes
Jesus, the incarnate Word, sits with his disciples, speaks to them in a caring manner, and provides comfort and reassurance as he delivers the tough teaching of the kingdom of God.
The first seven beatitudes are difficult enough to apply in life, but it may be that persecution is the toughest of all. Whether it is that colleague at work who always has an insulting comment about your Christianity, or a member of your family that never lets up—it is difficult to suffer persecution. However, verse... Continue Reading
How Remembering Leads to Refreshing
In Covenanting times it was not unusual for individual believers to formulate such “personal covenants” and sometimes to write them down. One godly woman who did this was Janet Hamilton, Lady Earlston (who died in 1696).
O Lord, I here desire to enter solemnly into covenant with Thee, taking Thee for my Lord and Master, and accepting Thee on Thy own terms, taking Thee for my King, Priest, and Prophet, and in my station, through Thy grace, to stand by truth, and cheerfully to take on Thy yoke, and follow Thee.... Continue Reading
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